chapter 33

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⚠️trigger warning: death⚠️

lia's pov:
as i awoke from my slumber, the morning light filtering through the curtains, i found myself greeted by a scene that sent a shiver down my spine. with a groggy rub of my eyes, i sat up in bed only to be met with the sight of phoebe, my beloved companion, lying motionless on the floor. panic surged through me as i called out her name, but there was no response, only eerie silence hanging in the air.

my heart clenched with fear and sorrow as i remembered how she had been battling illness in recent weeks. each day had been filled with worry and anxiety, fearing the worst for my faithful friend. phoebe wasn't just a pet; she had been by my side since i was a mere three years old, a constant source of comfort and joy throughout my life. the thought of losing her was unbearable, a prospect i couldn't fathom facing, especially not now.

as i knelt beside her, gently stroking her fur, a flood of memories washed over me - the countless walks we had taken together, the playful moments shared, the unconditional love she had always shown me. tears welled up in my eyes as i whispered words of reassurance, praying for a sign of life from her still form.

in that moment, time seemed to stand still as i clung to hope, willing phoebe to wake from her slumber, to return to me once more. the bond we shared was unbreakable, a bond forged through years of companionship and mutual devotion. and as i sat there, lost in my thoughts, i vowed to do whatever it took to keep her by my side, to cherish every moment we had together, for she was not just a pet - she was family.

as the realization sank in that phoebe wouldn't awaken, i bolted from my room, seeking solace in the comforting embrace of my mother. bursting into her room, i found her already awake, a beacon of warmth amidst the storm of emotions raging within me. without a second thought, i crawled into bed beside her, burying my face in her chest as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"what's wrong, sweetheart?" her voice was soft and soothing, a balm to my wounded heart.

"mama," i sobbed, the word escaping in a choked whisper.

concern etched lines of worry on her face as she gently stroked my hair, coaxing me to share my pain.

"talk to me, baby. what's the matter?" her words were filled with tender empathy, a lifeline in my moment of despair.

"i-it's p-phoebe," i stuttered, my voice trembling with grief, tears cascading down my cheeks in an unstoppable torrent.

"what about her, baby?" my mother's voice was a steady anchor in the midst of my turmoil, her hand offering gentle reassurance as it rubbed up and down my trembling back.

"i don't think she's alive, mama," i choked out, each word weighed down by the heaviness of my sorrow. "she's in my room, and she's not moving or anything, mama. i tried... i'm so sorry," the weight of guilt pressed upon me, suffocating in its intensity, as i struggled to articulate the unbearable truth.

"oh, baby, this is not your fault, okay?" my mother's voice was a soothing balm to my guilt-ridden soul, her words a lifeline in the sea of despair that threatened to engulf me. "it's not your fault, baby. remember that."

tears still streaming down my face, i nodded, grateful for her comforting words, even as the weight of responsibility still hung heavy upon me.

"she was very ill, wasn't she, baby?" her question was gentle, understanding, a reminder of the harsh reality we faced together.

sniffling, i managed a weak nod, acknowledging the truth of her words.

"we'll bury her in the backyard if that's okay with you?" her offer was tender, a gesture of love and respect for both phoebe and me.

i nodded again, finding solace in the simple act of laying my beloved companion to rest in familiar surroundings, surrounded by the love and memories we had shared together.

a few hours later, my mom was out in the backyard, diligently digging a final resting place for phoebe. the rhythmic sound of the shovel piercing the earth echoed through the quiet afternoon, a solemn tribute to the life we were preparing to honor.

i watched from the window, my heart heavy with sorrow yet grateful for my mother's unwavering support. each shovel of dirt felt like a poignant reminder of the bond we shared with phoebe and the love that would forever endure.

as the sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows across the yard, my mom finished her task, the freshly dug grave a testament to our love and loss. together, we carried phoebe's lifeless form to her final resting place, laying her gently in the earth she had roamed so freely in life.

with tears streaming down our faces, we said our last goodbyes, each word a whispered prayer for peace and acceptance. and as we covered her with soil, sealing her earthly form within the embrace of the earth, i felt a sense of closure wash over me, mingled with the ache of loss and the solace of knowing she would always be a part of us, forever cherished and remembered.

authors note:

i had a biology exam today and ugh it sucked. i've failed, but oh well.

word count: 918

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