chapter 6

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a few minutes later, i rose from the couch and made my way to the kitchen to check on lia's pizza. finding it ready, i carefully removed it from the oven and placed it on a plate.

i sliced it into tiny triangle slices for her, ensuring they were easy for her to handle. then, i popped my own pizza into the oven before returning to the living room with lia's pizza. handing her the plate, i couldn't help but smile at her grateful expression.

"thank you, lizzie," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

"you're welcome, honey. so, you like this movie, eh?" i asked, joining her on the couch.

"yes, it's good. the little orange fish is my favorite," she responded, her eyes sparkling with delight as she clapped her hands in excitement.

"that's good, honey," i responded warmly.

a couple of minutes later, i made my way to the kitchen and checked on my pizza. seeing that it was done, i carefully removed it from the oven and placed it on a plate. with a knife, i cut it down the middle and then into two pieces before making my way back to the living room.

sitting down beside lia, i settled in to enjoy our meal together, glad for the comforting presence of the little girl by my side.

about 15 minutes later, we finished eating, and i noticed that lia had pizza sauce around her face, in her hair, and all over her hands.

"you've made a bit of a mess, haven't you?" i chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"i'm sorry. i'll clean it. please don't be angry, lizzie. i didn't mean to. it won't happen again," she said quietly, her eyes filled with worry.

"no, sweetheart, it's okay. i'm not angry at you, i couldn't be angry at you. everyone makes a mess with their food. i do too. i remember one time with scarlett, we were eating ice cream, and it fell off my spoon right into my hair," i reassured her gently, recalling a similar incident.

"is it okay if i give you a bath, hun?" i offered, wanting to help her clean up without making her feel ashamed.

she nodded in agreement, and i gathered the dishes, taking them into the kitchen and placing them in the sink to wash later. returning to the living room, i found lia waiting patiently.

"are you ready, lia?" i asked softly, offering her a reassuring smile.

she grinned and nodded eagerly, slipping off the couch and grasping my hand. together, we ascended the stairs to the bathroom, where i began running the water, ensuring it was just right for a three year old.

"do you want bubbles in the bath, honey?" i asked, kneeling down to her level.

"yes, please, lizzie," she smiled brightly, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

i nodded, matching her enthusiasm, and poured some bubbles into the bath, watching as they swirled and frothed.

"hey, lia?" i said softly, reaching out to her.

"mhm?" she responded, turning her attention to me.

"is it okay if i take off your t-shirt, or do you want to do it?" i asked gently, wanting to respect her comfort and autonomy.

"i trust you, lizzie. you can do it," she said softly, her voice filled with trust and reassurance.

"are you sure, honey?" i asked, wanting to ensure she was comfortable with my help.

"yes, lizzie, it's okay," she smiled, her eyes reflecting her confidence in me.

with gentle hands, i lifted the top off her head, being careful not to cause any discomfort. lia then expressed her desire to remove her bottoms herself, which i respected.

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