chapter 9

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i just woke up from being gently shaken awake, realizing it was lizzie, so i didn't worry too much. my parents had abandoned me in that forest, so their concern was minimal to me.

however, i didn't mind because something good came out of it - i met the person i absolutely adore now, though i haven't told her yet. i'm a bit scared to know how she'd react if i did.

"morning, sleepy bug," lizzie said softly.

"morning," i groaned.

"what are you doing on the floor, honey?" she asked, concern evident in her tone.

"oh, um, i woke up and couldn't seem to fall back asleep, so i found something to entertain myself with, and i guess i fell asleep on the floor," i shrugged, trying to downplay it.

"okay, honey. as you know, i've got to be on set today. will you be okay to come with me, or should i call in sick?" she asked.

"no, it's fine. i want to go see chris anyway," i replied, shrugging.

"you seem to have grown really fond of chris, haven't you, sweetheart?" a smile appeared on her face.

"yeah, he's a lot nicer than any of the guys i've ever met," i shrugged. i hadn't told lizzie this part, and i probably wouldn't. i knew it would break her.

"can you tell me more, honey?" she asked gently.

"no, i don't think i'm ready," i replied truthfully.

"that's okay, love, whenever you're ready," she said softly.

"thank you," i said genuinely.

"okay, so should i choose your outfit for the day?" she asked.

"yes, please," i smiled.

lizzie smiled back and selected a cute outfit consisting of a beige hoodie with a heart on it, a white top with a frog design, and a pair of black leggings with a white stripe down the sides.

"you get changed, and i'll go get ready too. i'll make us some breakfast as well. when you're ready, come down to the kitchen, okay, hun?" she said softly.

i nodded my head and smiled. lizzie then left the room, and i changed into the outfit she picked, placing my pajamas neatly on the bed before heading downstairs to find lizzie in the kitchen.

"hey, honey, i've made some toast and pancakes. which would you prefer?" she asked softly.

"uh, the toast is okay, thank you, lizzie," i replied.

"okay, sure, love. here you go," she smiled, handing me the plate. i nodded my head and took the plate from her before offering a small smile and going to sit on the couch.

as i ate, my thoughts wandered to why my parents had left me. was i that much of an awful daughter? what if i'm a bad kid to lizzie? what if she'll abandon me one day just like they did? what if...

i was pulled from my thoughts when i heard lizzie saying something to me. i nodded, not quite catching what she had said.

"i know that scarlett and chris h have missed you, lia. they're excited to see you again," she informed me. i nodded my head in response.

** time skip to on set **

as lizzie and i stepped out of the car, she reached out to take my hand, but i hesitated, avoiding her touch and focusing my gaze on the ground. despite feeling her eyes on me, i chose to disregard it.

i was cautious about voicing my thoughts, afraid of saying something that might jeopardize our relationship. lizzie had been incredibly kind to me, but the fear of abandonment lingered, reminiscent of my parents actions.

"i'm heading to scarlett's trailer. do you want to join, or would you prefer going to chris h's trailer first?" lizzie's voice broke through my thoughts.

"um, i'll just come with you, lizzie," i responded softly.

raising my head, i trailed behind lizzie as we made our way to scarlett's trailer. without hesitation, lizzie entered, and i followed suit. finding a seat on the couch opposite scarlett, i stared out the window, lost in my own thoughts.

lizzie's pov:
as i stepped out of the car, lia followed suit, but something seemed off about her. she remained unusually silent throughout the entire car ride here.

typically, she'd engage in some conversation, albeit minimal, but this time, she didn't say a word. extending my hand for lia to take, she didn't reciprocate.

instead, she kept her gaze fixed on the ground. concern gnawed at me, wondering if i should inquire about her well-being. perhaps scarlett, with her experience raising two kids, might have some insight.

"i'm heading to scarlett's trailer. do you want to join, or would you prefer going to chris h's trailer first?" i asked lia.

"um, i'll just come with you, lizzie," she responded quietly.

i nodded, and lia followed me to scarlett's trailer. opening the door, lia walked in first, and i followed behind her, shutting the trailer door on my way in.

i took a seat beside scarlett on the couch, while lia sat on the opposite couch, staring out of the window. scarlett turned to look at me, her expression marked with concern. i shrugged my shoulders in response, and she nodded, understanding the silent exchange.

"scar, i don't know what's going on with her. this morning, i found her asleep on the floor of her room, surrounded by two puzzles that were out of their boxes. lia told me she woke up and couldn't seem to fall back asleep, so she found something to entertain herself with. i thought she might be tired, so i offered to call in sick, but she insisted it was fine. she wanted to go and see chris h anyway. i mentioned that she's grown fond of chris and thinks he's a lot nicer than any other guys she's met. when i asked for more details, she said she didn't think she was ready. i respected that and assured her she can tell me whenever she's ready," i sighed.

"she was more talkative before i left her bedroom after picking out her outfit. but when i came downstairs, she seemed quiet. she made some small talk, but it wasn't much. then, when we got out of the car, i reached out my hand for her to take, but she didn't. the whole car ride, she was quiet, and she's been acting so differently. she hasn't said much to me at all this morning, which is quite unusual. do you think i've done something wrong?" i added, my worry evident in my voice.

authors note:

word count: 1098

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