chapter 1

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eliana's pov:
as consciousness pulled me from sleep, tears already dampened my pillow. i rose, my small feet padding silently on the cold floor, and tiptoed into the kitchen where mama and dada whispered heatedly.

"mama?" my voice quivered.

her response was sharp. "what now, brat?"

"i- i'm hungry," i managed to stammer.

without a glance, mama turned to dada, her disdain evident. "she's so annoying."

dada's suggestion hung heavy in the air. "there's a forest about 15 minutes away. could take her there?"

mama's agreement cut through me. "yeah, good plan."

dada scooped me up, their actions mechanical as they ushered me into the car, ignoring my protests. twenty agonizing minutes later, we halted. dada deposited me outside the car before disappearing with screeching tires, leaving me stranded.

tears blurred my vision as i stumbled into the woods, each step a silent plea for someone, anyone, to find me.

lizzie's pov:
my alarm jolted me awake, the harsh sound piercing the early morning stillness. ignoring the remnants of sleep, i dressed quickly and set out on my daily ritual – a peaceful stroll through the forest.

the vibrant hues of autumn greeted me, leaves dancing in the gentle breeze as i made my way deeper into the woods. nature's serenity washed over me, a welcome respite from the chaos of everyday life. a faint sound broke the tranquility, drawing me closer.

as i approached, the source became clear – a small figure huddled against a tree, tears staining her cheeks.

"hey there, i'm elizabeth," i murmured softly. "are you okay?"

she looked up, her eyes brimming with tears and uncertainty. my heart clenched at the sight.

"what's your name, sweetheart?" i asked gently.

"e- eliana," she whispered.

"why are you out here? where are your parents?"

"t- they left me," she confessed, her voice barely audible amidst the rustling leaves.

"oh, sweetie, can you tell me how old you are?"

"i- i'm three."

"may i come closer to you, sweetheart?"

before the little girl could respond, she darted from her spot against the tree and rushed into my embrace, wrapping her tiny arms around my waist. kneeling down to her level, i returned the hug, feeling the weight of her loneliness in her trembling form. as she pulled away, i gently wiped her tears with my thumb.

"why did your parents leave you here, honey?"

she simply shrugged, her eyes downcast.

"it's okay, love. you don't have to tell me right now. how about we go to my house? would you like that?"

a nod of her head was her silent agreement.

"feeling tired, sweetheart?"

again, a nod confirmed her exhaustion.

"would you like me to carry you?"

another nod, and i lifted her gently into my arms, cradling her close as we made our way back to my home. after about 15 minutes, we arrived, and i settled her onto the soft couch.

"are you hungry, darling?"

she gently shook her head, indicating she didn't mind. i nodded, then settled onto the couch beside her, leaving a comfortable distance between us.

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