chapter 8

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after preparing lia's breakfast, consisting of toast with butter, i handed it to her and decided to call ashley, scarlett, and chris h to inquire about being references for me.

"hey, honey, i'll be back in a moment. are you okay here for a bit? i'll be in the kitchen if you need me," i said sweetly to lia.

"i'll be okay," she replied.

"are you sure, honey?" i asked, wanting to ensure her comfort.

"yeah," she nodded. with a smile, i headed to the kitchen to call ashley. she answered after just two rings.

"hey, ashley, i've got a question," i informed her.

"okay, lizzie, what's up?" she replied.

"so, i'm planning on adopting a child and i need a reference. would you be okay with being one for me? i'll send you the details once i have them, if you're up for it, of course."

"sure, i'd love to," she agreed.

"really? thank you so much, ashley!"

"you're welcome, lizzie. oh damn, i've got to go, otto just peed on me!" she laughed.

"okay, ashley. have fun with that," i giggled.

"i'll talk to you soon, liz. love you."

"love you too, ash." ending the call, i then dialed scarlett, who also picked up after just two rings.

"hey, scarlett, how would you feel about being a reference for me for lia's adoption?" i asked.

"i'd love to, lizzie. you didn't even have to ask," she chuckled.

"right, yeah, okay. thank you so much, scar," i smiled gratefully.

"you're welcome, honey. i've got to film a scene in 15 minutes, we'll talk later," she replied.

"sure," i responded, understanding her busy schedule. after ending the call with scarlett, i rang chris hemsworth.

he answered, and i explained to him that i was in the process of adopting a child, specifically lia. chris seemed genuinely excited about the news. although i cautioned him to keep it quiet until everything was finalized, he agreed to be a reference for me regardless before ending the call.

back in the living room with lia watching finding nemo again, i decided to begin working on rose's and cosmo's bedrooms. lia joined me upstairs.

starting with cosmo's bed on the right side of the room, i placed his wardrobe next to it. similarly, i positioned rose's bed and wardrobe on the left side. scarlett was unaware of my plans for the kids rooms, and i was sure they would love the surprise.

three hours later, the rooms were nearly complete, with only the clothes and cosmo's toys left to organize. wanting to finish the task, i sorted through their belongings.

afterward, i headed to the bathroom, disposing of the old bath toys and replacing them with the new ones i had bought, separating lia's and cosmo's toys into different bags. i hung them by the wall, leaving only the decision of the room colors for the kids to make.

"oh, lia, we have to go somewhere," i informed her.

"oh, okay," she responded.

"is that okay?" i asked, wanting to ensure her comfort.

"yeah, it's fine," she replied calmly.

i nodded and we made our way downstairs to my car. after setting the location in the gps, i began the drive, which was only about a half-hour journey.

** time skip to back at home **

as i pulled up onto the drive, it was now 7:00pm, and i could sense lia's fatigue as she struggled to keep her eyes open. she hadn't said anything in a while, indicating that she had likely fallen asleep in the back seat.

turning off the ignition, i stepped out of the car and noticed lia sound asleep. carefully, i opened her car door, unbuckled her seatbelt, and gently lifted her into my arms. with lia cradled against me, i carried her inside the house.

i carried her upstairs and into her bedroom, where i pulled back the covers and gently laid her down, tucking her in snugly. leaning down, i placed a soft kiss on her forehead, silently wishing her sweet dreams before quietly leaving the room.

** time skip to a couple hours later **

i decided it was time for bed, considering it was already 10:30pm and i had an early call time on set tomorrow. making my way upstairs, i changed into my pajamas before settling into bed for the night.

eliana's pov:
i suddenly woke up, finding myself in my new room. the last thing i remembered was being in the car with lizzie on our way home. lizzie must have carried me inside and tucked me into bed.

despite trying to fall back asleep for some time, it seemed to elude me. i didn't want to disturb lizzie, so i quietly slipped out of bed and turned on the light to play with the toys in the built-in wall toy unit.

after selecting a few items to keep me entertained, i settled in to work on a finding nemo puzzle. it proved to be both enjoyable and challenging, but after about an hour (though i wasn't entirely sure of the time), i managed to complete it.

feeling a bit tired but determined to continue, i started another puzzle. despite my eyelids growing heavy, i persisted, determined to finish the puzzle before giving in to sleep.

authors note:

word count: 888

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