chapter 10

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"no, lizzie, i don't think it's anything you've done. she's gone through a lot for a 3-year-old, and maybe she's just finally taking everything in. you can't do much; she will come out of this on her own, i suppose, unless she seeks your support, or anyone else's. she just needs to be shown that she's loved and cared for," scarlett explained gently.

"i mean, look at her. you wouldn't see this behavior from many other 3-year-olds. she doesn't even seem to be focused on the conversation, and it's like she's overthinking things. what do you think lia meant when she said that chris is nicer than any of the guys she's ever met?" i asked, voicing my concern.

"it could mean a lot of things, honey. as lia told you, her parents weren't that nice to her, and the people they hung around with probably weren't that nice either. i don't know, though; i could be wrong," scarlett shrugged, acknowledging the complexity of the situation.

"thank you for that, scarlett. uh, i've got to go and film a scene now. i'll take lia to chris h, as i know he's free right now, and lia is very fond of him. she might be a bit happier around him as she doesn't seem to be with me," i shrugged, expressing my concern.

"honey, i can stay with her. i don't need to film a scene until 11:30am. also, remember, lizzie, that it's nothing to do with you or chris. you rescued that little girl when you found her in the forest that day, and i know she couldn't be more thankful. she probably just doesn't know how to show it," scarlett reassured me.

"i guess that makes sense, yeah. are you sure you're okay to stay with her? i mean, my scene finishes at 11:00am, and it shouldn't go over that," i told her, seeking confirmation.

"yeah, of course, we'll be okay," scarlett smiled reassuringly.

"thank you, scar, i owe you," i smiled gratefully, kissing lia on the forehead before leaving scarlett's trailer.

scarlett's pov:
lizzie had just left my trailer, and i gently walked over to where lia was sitting, still gazing out of the window.

"hey, honey," i smiled warmly, catching her attention as she turned to look at me.

"where's lizzie? did she leave me? i knew this would happen," she said quickly, her worry evident in her voice.

"no, honey, she'll be back. she's filming a scene right now, and i told her that i'd stay with you. is that what's been bothering you lately?" i asked, concerned. she shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her lap.

"that's okay, honey. we don't need to talk about it now. so what do you want to do?" i asked, trying to lighten the mood. she looked up at me and shrugged.

"hm, okay. the game you played with chris the other day, do you know what game that was?" i asked softly.

"no, i don't," she responded.

"uh, okay. what if we play a different game then?" i suggested.

"yeah, okay," she agreed.

i pulled out my phone and opened a game that rose likes to play. though rose is older than lia, i hoped lia might enjoy it too.

"my daughter likes this game, so maybe you'll like it too," i said with a shrug.

"okay, scarlett," she smiled softly.

i showed her how to play the game, and she soon got the hang of it, a smile gracing her face as she played.

"do you like the game, honey?" i asked.

"yeah, it's really fun," she giggled.

"awh, that's good, sweetie. i'll be sure to tell lizzie about this game so you can play it with her one day or something," i offered.

"yeah, okay," she agreed.

about 40 minutes later, lia kept yawning while playing the game on my phone. lizzie mentioned she was asleep on the floor, but she didn't mention a time lia was awake. she probably didn't know either.

"are you tired, sweetheart?" i asked softly.

"a little bit," she shrugged.

"why don't you try and take a nap, sweetheart? i'll stay here with you," i offered.

"mhm, yeah, okay," she agreed.

lia handed me back my phone, and i put it in my pocket before opening up my arms. lia happily came over to me and rested her head on my chest. i wrapped my arms around her back, gently rubbing my thumb on her back as she drifted off to sleep.

feeling a bit tired myself, i figured a little nap wouldn't hurt. i pulled a blanket over lia and me, closed my eyes, and soon drifted off to sleep alongside her.

authors note:

word count: 794

lost little oneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang