Chapter 22

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The meeting with the Mexicans went really well, Ricardo and Adán were both very respectable of me and my father, they had brought along some of their men, as Adán was a little wary of me at first, but I wasn't fazed, plus as I said my father and Ricardo went way back, so once they saw no hostility from us and that I wasn't a threat, he relaxed, we settled in with a few drinks first to ease into the meeting, then we got straight into business.

We had discovered who tipped off that fucker Miguel who tried to instigate me for the murder of their politician friend. It was one of Alejandro's men, why? We did not know, the question was did Alejandro know ? If he did that was going to be real problem and even if he didn't I had to cut ties with Alejandro as clearly his men couldn't be trusted and I wasn't going to jeopardise my business or name for no one.

But that conversation would have to be for another day though.

After the meeting was concluded we had also come to a business deal, that also meant I know longer needed Alejandro, so cutting him off would a whole lot easier.

I escorted them to the main room on the VVIP floor and encouraged them to relax and enjoy themselves. Adán seemed particularly pleased when one of the waitresses approached him, offering him a drink "or perhaps you'd like a dance or maybe something else," she said in a playful tone. As he looked around, he understood what she meant when she presented a tray of white powder to him. All lined out neatly, ready to snort.

His eyebrow raised, and a greedy smirk spread across his face. Taking in her attire, he gestured for her to come closer and then took her hand, leading her to a table. Seated, he pulled her body over his lap with her front facing the floor,instead of using the tray he carefully placed a line of powder on her ass cheek. She handed him a small straw, and he leaned down to snort the coke up his nose, appearing satisfied as he grinned widely.He raised his glass in a salute to me, and I returned the gesture. Then, he playfully slapped her on the left butt cheek, eliciting a yelp and a giggle from her.

Adán's father approached me, accompanied by my own father, remarking on how relaxed his son appeared, noting that he's usually quite serious. I chuckled and replied that this is the perfect environment for letting loose, emphasising the privacy and discretion afforded to all guests who wish to indulge in activities they wouldn't typically engage in or want anyone to know about.

He nods approvingly and suggests that he might join his son, then walks over to another scantily dressed girl, pulling her onto his lap.

Dad chuckles coming to stand with me, lifting his glass and clinking it with mine. He comments on how well the meeting went, and I agree with him. He then mentions that we'll need to set up another meeting with Giuseppe.

I'm about to interject when one of my staff members informs me that a fight broke out in the VIP area. Initially, I brush it off, suggesting that security will handle it. However, my father's expression changes, and he informs me that Lucia is down there and is being held back by Carlos. I look down to see two other women fighting, and Marco seems to be restraining someone as well, but I can't see who.

"You better get down there, Luca, and sort that out. We don't want Giuseppe finding out his daughter got hurt in your club. Plus, she's going to be family soon," my father warns. I throw him a glare and grit out, "We'll talk about this again, Papà."

As I descended, I witnessed two ladies still tangled in a heated altercation on the ground. Lucia was in Carlos's grasp, desperately trying to break free while simultaneously lashing out at the other women. Amidst the chaos.

"That's enough," my authoritative voice echoed through the room, abruptly halting their commotion. Lucia exuded a sense of satisfaction smiling smugly, as I approached them.

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