Chapter 5

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I hear Frankie's yelling as I enter the warehouse, demanding to know, "Who the fuck sent you?" The guy's stripped down to his boxers, firmly bound to a chair. Frankie's methodically making tiny cuts on the guy's legs and then pouring alcohol on them, causing the poor bastard to scream out in agony.

Frankie's reputation for brutality precedes him, but this seems relatively minor for his standards. Still not talking ? I question Carlos, nope he's a stubborn mother fucker, he says.

Ok my turn so..

I make my way over to my stash of implements, casually considering which one will take the lead in our little performance.

Earlier, after sharing a meal with Sienna, my intention had been to drop her off at home. But just then, a call from Frankie disrupted those plans. He informed me about a situation down at one of the warehouses – they had apprehended a guy attempting to steal some of our precious cargo. What's more, the fucker had brought explosives, which, quite obviously, hinted at intentions beyond mere theft. So you could say I'm feeling a little pissed as my time with Sienna got unexpectedly shortened.

I gave Tommy a ring to have him pick Sienna up. She's still quite miffed at me, and rightfully so. I've been less than forthcoming about my reasons for leaving, and honestly, how could I explain? "Hey, I happen to be one of the most prominent Mafia bosses in the entire United States." That would send anyone sprinting in the opposite direction. Not that she has much of a choice in the matter now.

Seeing her again has stirred something within me, a fierce desire to possess her and keep her safe. She should have stayed in Boston, but here she is, wandering right into the wolves den. I'm aware she'll put up a fight to be with me, and I can't deny the pain I've caused her. But I'll be damned if I let her find happiness with someone else. She's mine, and eventually, she'll come around to see things my way.

I opt for the spiked knuckle dusters, yeah, it's brutal, but these pricks need to be taught a lesson. You don't just waltz into Luca Cattaneo's territory and think you'll walk away scot-free.

As I approach, I see the guy trembling in fear. "Now, are you gonna talk ? How the hell did you get into my warehouse, who sent you, and what the fuck were you planning to do with those explosives?" I'm giving you to the count of five to speak ..

He remains tight-lipped, so I count, "1...2...3...4..." and on "5," I deliver a punch just above his chest, twisting that nasty spike. A scream finally escapes him.

I lean in closer, my tone icy, "Next one's going right on your face. Now talk." He's trembling, and he's soiled himself, but this stubborn bastard is still reluctant.

After a few more punches to his already battered face with the knuckle duster. He's barely hanging own, the gurgling sound coming from his mouth, suggests he may not last much longer, he mumbles. It's barely audible; his face is a bloody mess. I'm pretty damn sure those scars will serve as a permanent reminder. Well, tough shit for him. As he won't live to see them..

Finally, he spills the beans, pointing the finger at some lowlife gangster apparently trying to make a name for himself. Well that's another fucker whose chose his death wish.

I instruct Carlos and Frankie to sever the guy's hand and deliver it to the gangster, leaving a message letting him know his last days are numbered." These wannabes think they can outsmart me, but they're nothing more than a bunch of lowlife junkies.

The guy continues to beg for mercy, but I can't afford to be soft. If he had succeeded in blowing things up, some of my men would have been killed. It's a harsh world we live in, and I know it can happen anytime, but I'll do whatever it takes to prevent it. I reach for my gun, putting a bullet right between the eyes, ending his pitiful screams.

Dangerous Heart . The Mafia Boss's Love .जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें