Chapter 12

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Luca had left me to explore my room, and I must admit, it was absolutely stunning. Everything was immaculate and pristine, and the room itself was just as spacious as Luca's bedroom in his apartment, or should I say, mega luxury penthouse. The four-poster bed looked incredibly comfortable, and as I ran my hand along the soft white silk sheets, I couldn't wait to sleep on them later.

I made my way out towards the balcony, which overlooked the back of the house. Wow!, it was massive. I couldn't understand why Luca referred to it as a beach house, as it felt more like an estate, a grand one at that. The sight before me was breathtaking - it had a huge pool, a barbecue area, a basketball court, and a tennis court. Even the lounge chairs exuded luxury. There was also a large seating area with a fire pit and a bar nearby, and as I looked on further, I noticed a vast garden that extended towards the back. And to top it all off, I could see the ocean.

Feeling the gentle sea breeze against my skin, I closed my eyes basking in the peacefulness of it all. The smell of the ocean adding calmness to my surroundings.

"You like the view?" Luca's husky voice interrupted my serenity. I turned to look at him, as he gazes down at me, damn he's tall, I felt so small to him,with his eyes staring into mine, they always seemed to make me feel so unsure of myself, I felt intimidated by them but yet sometimes they'd twinkle telling me he liked or approved by what he saw. But still I felt they held so many secrets and mysteries, I wonder if I'd ever find out, or do I want to ?

I clear my throat. "Yes, it's stunning," I say, looking back towards the ocean. "This is my favorite view," he says, stepping closer to me, his arm lightly touching mine. I feel a shiver run down my spine.

His scent wafts my way. He smells amazing – a captivating blend of cedarwood, leather, and a hint of vanilla. Closing my eyes, I inhale, savoring the allure. It stirs something within me, as if he's releasing a bewitching pheromone, casting a spell with his scent. My head turns to take another whiff, and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Do you normally go around sniffing people?" he asks.

Feeling abashed, I look up at him. "Shit, was I that obvious?" I mumble, taking a small step back. "I, uh...sorry," I say. Just taking in the scent of the ocean..

A slight chuckle escapes his lips as he leans in and whispers, "It's okay, Sienna. You can sniff me all you want. I also find your scent captivating, especially when you are aroused." I can feel my face burning as his mouth tilts to the side with a sly smile.

"Come, let me show you around," he says as he turns to walk. I follow him my face still burning, and he leads me out to a large landing. There are so many doors, all were mostly bedrooms, and two main bathrooms. Each one as luxurious as the other, like we were in a 5 star deluxe hotel "Which one is your room?" I ask walking out from one the spare rooms. He smirks, and I instantly regret asking, I'm just asking so I don't mistake it for the bathroom, incase I need to go at night, I try to backtrack, I sound like such an idiot.

"I already told you it's right across from yours and well you shouldn't have any trouble, because your room has its own en-suite. " Haha, oh yes I forgot. Sorry.
God I'm such a moron."

"But since you seem so eager to see it, let me show you," he says as he opens the door. As I expected, it's very similar to his other room in his penthouse, with similar decor. However, his sheets are black, and the room is slightly lighter in color. The bed is huge and seems to be the main focus of the room. There's a big painting hanging on the wall, but I can't make out what it is.

I notice there's a lot of artwork hanging on the walls throughout the house. Do you like your art? I ask, pointing to the picture.

He looks," yes, that was done by a friend of mine. She's a famous artist in Italy.

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