Chapter 18

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Have we discovered the identity of the fucker  who was masquerading as me? I asked as I stormed into the private room to meet Steven and Greg, both of whom are working as my FBI informants. Frankie followed closely behind me. I had been in Miami for far longer than I had anticipated, and I was growing increasingly frustrated with the bastard who was using my name to justify his dirty work, yet remained silent.

I've been here for nearly two weeks now, initially expecting to be back home in LA by now. However, I've had to confront a major shit show- clearing my name. The bastard responsible for the mess is currently in custody for murdering a highly influential and corrupt politician here in Miami. Despite the politician's questionable character, the fact that this scumbag implicated me as the one who ordered the hit was not fucking good.

I could be in serious trouble if they discovered connections to me. Furthermore, it wouldn't reflect well on me if I started ordering hits on individuals unrelated to my affairs. It either meant someone was attempting to get me incarcerated or cause conflict, inciting other cartels to turn against me. I had managed to maintain friendly relations with certain cartels here in Miami, but if news spread that I was involved in the assassination of influential politicians on their home turf, it's safe to say they wouldn't be happy with me, regardless of our previous amicable interactions.

No, not yet. Steven is the first to talk. "Fuck," I yell. Why would he use my name? What was he gaining from it? I wondered out loud. It didn't make sense.

Greg speaks up. "I think he might talk once I threaten him with his brother. His brother is only 17, and he's the only family he's got. He's protective of him. We have some minor stuff on him, but we can threaten him that we found the gun that killed Edward Harrison in his house, tell him we found his brothers fingerprints on it. Edward was the politician who was murdered."

"You think it might work?" I query, but am a little skeptical.

"It's worth a shot," Greg replies, shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright, and if that plan falls through, we'll resort to my methods," I declared, a sly grin spreading across my face. Frankie's expression mirrored mine, a silent agreement passing between us regarding the consequences for the fucker if he remained silent. Reluctantly, Steven and Greg nodded in agreement.

"Understood. We'll keep you updated, and we'll make it happen as quickly as possible. "

I nod firmly as I turned to leave the room, still seething with anger.

The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on me as I strode out, my mind already planning the next move. There was no room for error, and I was determined to see this through to the end.

All I wanted was to head back to LA. Sienna had been on my mind non-stop since our weekend together. The night we spent together kept replaying in my head, her moans, her body—everything about her was etched into my thoughts. Burning within like a furnace. My cock hardened every time I pictured her biting her pouty lips as she orgasmed. She was a captivating sight, exuding an erotic allure that could easily disarm any man.

I'd texted her, apologising for leaving so abruptly. Tommy informed me that Paula had remarked on Sienna's apparent displeasure regarding my sudden departure. It seemed she was still mad since she hadn't replied to any of my messages.

I know for a fact she's probably convinced herself it'll never happen again. She'll think she's settled her debt and that's the end of it, believing she's free to go and that I won't be in touch again. But unfortunately for her, she'll never be free from me. I made it clear that night when I was inside her that she belonged to me.

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