Chapter 2

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Oh, God, I really don't want to go out tonight," I sighed, letting the hot water cascade over my face and body. I wished I could just stay under here forever. The water felt heavenly, soothing my weary soul and washing away the painful memories of the past.

Today marked the 6th year since my brother Jason's death. Oh, God, how I missed him. I desperately wished I could talk to him, even if it was just for one minute. As a tear dropped down my cheek, I wasn't sure if it was my own sadness or simply water from the shower. But the lump in my throat and the sting in my nose confirmed that I was indeed crying, yet again. "I miss you, Jay," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion.

The loud banging on the bathroom door interrupted my thoughts abruptly. "Bang, bang, Sienna, come on, babe! You've been in there over an hour! The guys will be here soon, hurry up!" It was Kelsey, my roommate, urging me to hurry up. She had convinced me that going out tonight would be a good idea, despite my reluctance. I wasn't in the mood, but she insisted that I shouldn't be alone on a day like today. She said we should celebrate Jason's memory instead of being consumed by sadness.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to compose myself. Reluctantly, I turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my wet body. Though my heart was heavy with grief, I decided to listen to Kelsey and join her tonight. Perhaps celebrating Jason's life would bring some solace amidst the pain.

As I opened the bathroom door, Kelsey stood there, her eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright, Sienna?" she asked gently, seeing the remnants of my tears. I nodded, offering a weak smile. "I'll just go and quickly get ready,I said, mustering up all the strength I had left.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, scrutinizing every aspect of my appearance. It was the night of a big Exclusive party, and I had no choice but to wear the only dressy outfit I owned. With a sigh, I realized that I desperately needed to go shopping for some new clothes. Most of my wardrobe consisted of casual clothes, none that were definitely not suitable for such a high-class event.

The party was being held at some big club I couldn't remember the name of, but it was Marco who had invited us. We had met him at the gym he owns, and he wanted to welcome us to LA in style. Marco was quite friendly with the owner of the club , as his brother happened to run it. From what Kelsey said, the owner was a big shot in this city. She had even seen him in newspaper articles and on TV. According to her, he was the epitome of male perfection, dangerously attractive and sexy like some sort of Greek god. She had called him an Adonis, and I couldn't help but wonder if he really lived up to her words.

Shaking off those thoughts, I focused on my own appearance again. In my little black dress, I felt a surge of confidence. It hugged my curves in all the right places and made my legs look incredible. I slipped on my black strappy sandals, hoping I wouldn't have to stand for too long in them. Grabbing my gold bag, I made sure it matched perfectly with my outfit.

Examining myself once more in the mirror, I ensured that my eyes weren't puffy or swollen. Surprisingly, they weren't. I decided to leave my hair down, allowing its natural waves to cascade over my shoulders. A touch of eyeshadow, a hint of eyeliner, and some mascara enhanced my features, giving my green eyes the right amount of allure. Lastly, I applied a nudish brown lipstick, adding a hint of sophistication to complete the look.

Closing the door to my bedroom, I stepped into the living area where the guys were already present, sipping on cocktails Kelsey had mixed. Good luck to them, as Kelsey's cocktail concoctions were often a gamble.

I first met Kelsey in Boston, where I had I moved to complete my Nursing degree. She was pursuing the same path, and escaping the memories tied to Jay's passing was my reason for leaving Chicago. Everything there was a reminder of both him and the other person, whose name remained unspoken due to the pain he brought upon departure.

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