Chapter 38 - Forging Forgiveness

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"So how is he?" Rose glanced up from her revision to see Sia sit down opposite her, Albus hovering at her shoulder. Shooting glares at him, Indie sat down next to her. Sam took the seat to the right of Rose.


"Dumbldore." Indie rolled her eyes. "Seriously. Who do you think? Scorpius you idiot."

Rose bit her lip and stared at them all. "He's..." She trailed off. How could she explain to them? Unless they actually saw him, they'd never understand. "He's getting better." Rose said finally. "I think me being there helped."

"Of course it did." Sia said softly. "You two are made for each other. When you're together the whole world spins."

Rose's cheeks turned a deep scarlet. She rolled her eyes, smiling shyly. "I don't think so."

"Liar!" Indie grinned, pointing a finger at her. "Your're blushing! She's blushing! Do you see this Sia? She likes him! Rose and Scorpius sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-"

"Indie shut up." Sia said coldly. "There's a time and place and it isn't now. Scorpius is ill." Indie pulled a face and crossed her arms in annoyance. Sia turned to Rose. "Really, Rose, how is he?"

"He is getting better." Rose hesitated, glancing at Albus. He was leaning against a bookshelf pretending not to be listening to the conversation. "It's a slow process though. I'll think he's alright and we'll be doing something and he'll just fall silent and stop. Some days he'll just lay in bed and it takes everything for him to get up. He struggles to sleep. He says it's okay though because he's got me. But I'm worried about him, I really am."

Sia smiled softly at her but it was Sam that spoke. "He'll be okay, if he is getting better like you say. You just have to be there for him. It will take time but he will heal, as will you. Love only goes so far though, you can't love a person better, they have to choose to heal."

Rose nodded, wiping away a stray tear. She lent her head on his shoulder. "He says he does. Want to get better I mean. How do I know he's not lying?"

"You can't." Sia said. "You just have to trust him and believe in each other."

Sam nodded. "If he wants to heal he will heal in his own time. If he doesn't there's very little you can do but wait until he does want to. You just have to be there for him."

"He's been there for you," Sia said. "Now you have to be there for him."

"And if that doesn't work out," Indie smirked. "You can always marry me instead. We'll have so much fun. We can go for midnight swims and picnics on the beach. And we can eat as much as cream as we want."

Rose laughed. "Thanks Inds, I'll bear that in mind."

"Offers always there." Indie winked at her and both Sia and Rose groaned.

"How was your break Sia? We know exactly how Indie's was." Rose sent her friend a pointed look. Upon Rose and Sia's arivial back at school, Indie had spent the previous night gushing about everything her and Alex had done, not sparing any details.

"Yeah, it was fine." Sia smiled tightly. "We spent most of it at my mother's house, dad had to work, we only saw him for the first four days."

"Oh, that's a shame." Rose said politely. "It must have been nice to see your mum though."

"Yes, I suppose so. It was excruciatingly longer than last time. There's very little to do. I had to spend the entire time talking to Jayce."

"Rather you than us." Indie joked.

"That'd be torture in itself." Rose added with a laugh.

"If only you knew." Sia said dryly, rolling her eyes.

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