Chapter 16 - Fight, Flight Or Fear

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"I know you said yesterday that you'd accepted your parents apology," Sia said as they marched down to the Quidditch pitch for the match. She was trying to keep Rose's thoughts away from it for as long as possible. "Did you actually mean it?"

"Yes." Rose said firmly. "I don't see why I should have a grudge with them when that's exactly that they did to me. I don't want to stoop to that level. But I did mean it when I said I wasn't forgiving them just yet, they have to earn me forgiveness."

"That's a good point." Sia said but could think of nothing else to say so changed the topic. "What are you doing for Christmas?"

"I think I might go visit Astoria and Draco for a bit. I haven' t seen them in a while." Rose stared at the sloping green grass in front of them. "Also, just because I'm on good terms with my mum and dad, I don't want to see loads of them not when-like I said - I've just got my life back into order."

Sia didn't say anything she just waited for her to continue.

"I'm content with it. Not happy. Not yet but I'm no longer scared. I've also still got a lot of figuring out to do before I'm happy." Rose paused. "Indie's one of them. She was my best friend, we did everything together, we spent the majority of our time laughing but, although it's an inconvenience ignoring her, the sad thing is, the majority of the time, I don't miss having her around."

"Oh." Sia said as they reached the changing rooms. "I understand. You know we can talk about it though, right?"

"Yes, Sia." Rose smiled. "I know." She glanced nervously towards the door. "I've got to go now."

"Good luck."

"Thanks and thank you."

Sia nodded, Rose didn't have to say for her to know she meant for the flying practice. Proud that she'd helped her friend overcome her fear, she went in search of the other 5th year Slytherins.

Inside the changing rooms Rose began pulling on her robes in a quiet corner and listened to Scorpius's motivational speech.

"Another thing," Scorpius said as he got to the end of it. "We're no longer playing Ravenclaw -"

"What?" Rose yelped and dropped her shoe she was putting on.

"They pulled out as their Captain's gone down with Dragon Pox, they have to Quarantine the team." Scorpius paused. "We're going to be playing Hufflepuff instead."

"I'm not playing Hufflepuff!" Rose cried.

"It'll be exactly the same!" Scorpius said in exasperation.

"No it won't! I'm not playing Hufflepuff. Not now! Not ever!"

"For fuck's sake Rose!"

"No! Louis is on that team! I'm not playing then! Last time I played them, I nearly killed him! I'm not risking that again."

"Your a chaser now! Your not a beater! There's no way you can hurt him!"

"You don't know that!" Rose shouted although deep down she knew he was right. "I refuse to play!"

"Who else is going to play? I haven't got a reserve player for you! Fucking hell Rose why couldn't you have told me this before!"

"Becuase you didn't tell me we were playing Hufflepuff."

"You have to play! As your cpatian I'm forcing you to play!"

"Then I quit!" Rose screamed, her eyes gleaming.

"You can't fucking do that!"

"Yes, I fucking can!" Rose cried tears brimming in her eyes. She was shaking with fear.

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