Chapter 34 - The Sorting Hat

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"Comfy there?" Jayce laughed as he stepped over Rose's legs. She was sat on the floor, her legs stretched out before her, leaning against the armchair Ivy was sat in. Ivy herself was sat across it sideways, her feet hanging over one edge, her head the other.

"Yeah, I am actually." Rose replied with her old sassiness. She was starting to come back to herself, building a better stronger version of the girl she'd once been. Her personality came back in parts, in small conversations like that.

Jayce gauffed and slung himself onto the sofa besides his sister, placing his feet in her lap, his shoes still on. Sia scowled at him as she tugged the homework she'd been working on from beneath them.

"The International Statue of Secracy was signed in 1689 right?" Rose asked chewing on the end of her pen as she planned out her History essay.

"Yeah, I think so..." Sam answered, from the sofa opposite Sia and Jayce, when no one else did.

"Thanks." Rose sighed. She wished Scorpius was here. He was the only one that could have a conversation with Professor Binns and therefore had the whole of the syllabus memorized.

The group lapsed into silence. Rose, Sia and Sam worked on their homework whilst Ivy and Jayce shot harmless spells at each other across the top of Rose's head. The five acknowledged Isabelle and Jack, Sam's best friend, as they sat down besides Sam.

They'd barely returned to their work when a shout cut through the silence. Rose looked up to see Indie streak across the common room.

"Indie, wait!" Alex followed, looking flushed. "Please! It's not my fault!"

"But you could stand up to them!" Indie turned at the top of the stairs to the dormitories. "Tell them you don't want to go! They might let you stay here!"

"You know they wouldn't!" Alex stared up at her, his eyes wide.

"You could at least try." Indie growled. She spun on her heel and disappeared.

Slowly Alex turned to the group watching him. He looked around at them all an expression of pure desperation on his face.

"I take it you told her then?" Isabelle said casually, twirling a strand of silver hair around her wand.

"How do you know?" Alex asked suspiciously.

"I have my ways." Isabelle smirked.

"But I only told Sia-" Alex snapped his gaze to Sia. "You didn't-"

"I didn't tell her!" Sia exclaimed, hands up in surrender. "I haven't told anyone."

"Told anyone what?" Rose asked confused. The remainder of the group had similar looks of confusion painted in their faces.

"Alex," Sia said slowly when Alex didn't reply. "Is moving to America at the end of the school year."

"No!" Rose gasped, looking between her two friends with a torn expression. "Your leaving? But you can't."

"I don't have a choice." Alex said sadly. 

Overcoming their shock and grief, They all began to protest at that. After several minutes of exclamations and plans of kidnapping, Jayce's voice cut through the rest.

"Should someone go check on Indie?" Jayce asked from where he was still sat on the sofa, his feet in his sisters lap.

"It's probably wise." Sia said slowly.

Saying goodnight to the boys, the four girls traipsed upstairs. They found Indie crying on her bed. After several failed attempts to cheer her up, Ivy declared they were going to have a girls night, a smuggle concept Indie and Rose had introduced her to.

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