Chapter 13 - Ripples

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Groaning, Rose stretched and opened her eyes. They were itchy, sore and, she knew without looking red.

After dragging her from the quidditch pitch last night, Isabelle had deposited her in dormitory with a bottle of fire whiskey whilst she went in search of Scorpius.

Slowly, Rose sat up, her head cloudy. She vaguely remembered, crying herself to sleep, the bottle clutched to her chest, Tiger curled up on her feet. He, however, was nowhere to be seen and the bottle, she discovered after searching for it, lay smashed on the floor.

Sighing, Rose climbed out of bed the opposite side to the glass and began pulling on her clothes. Her mind wandered to last night. She'd been, still was in fact, stressed from the days events, worried about what her friends now thought of her, anxious as to what her parents would say and fearful of getting on the quidditch team.

"I am never ever letting Isabelle get me on a broomstick again." Rose told herself as she left the dormitory, her bag slung over her shoulder, her body tense.

The tension only increased as Rose arrived in the great hall and took a seat besides Jayce, who promptly informed her that she'd been made chaser.

"What?" Rose exclaimed, dropping her slice of toast onto her plate. "I asked Scorpius not to put me on the team." She said, her voice wobbling. She grabbed hold of the bench to stop her hands shaking.

"He did take that into account." Jayce said, eyeing her. "But the only other players that were up to scratch admitted they couldn't make every practice which Scorpius insisted was nessacary."

"I can't either." Rose said quickly, Jayce raised an eyebrow at her. "I have to Study. I've got my OWLs coming up."

"So has Scorpius."

"Why couldn't he make Indie chaser. She wants it more than me."

"Are you kidding?" Jayce asked in disbelief. "Have you actually seen her play? She might be fast but she can't throw a quaffle to save her life, despite what she believes."

"Why doesn't he make her seeker then?"

"I don't think Darwin would appreciate that."

"Oh..." Rose said and they lapsed into silence as she munched on her toast. Finally she pushed herself away from the table. "We should get to class."

"Yep." Jayce agreed, grabbing one last muffin and jogging after her down the hallway. "Don't you have Aincent Runes?"

"Yes," Rose murmered. "That is going to be extremly fun."

"Oh, don't worry." Jacye brushed it aside. "Sia was in quite an amicable mood this morning, I'm sure you two will be friends again by the end of the day."

Rose stared at him for a moment. She often forgot that Jayce had beenbrought up in a posh family until he came out with words like 'amicable'. "I doubt it. You didn't hear what I said to her."

"Even so... Alex does aincent runes as well, so you can sit by him."

Yes. Rose thought to herself. She'd half forgotten about Alex, although she wasn't sure which side he was on. She knew he was quite close with Sia so she expected he'd take her side. Rose was so busy worrying about it all that she walked right into a group of first years and had to stop and help them up, her cheeks flaming.

By the time she caught up with Jayce, Xander had appeared by his side and the two were in deep conversation. Not wanting to draw attention to herself, Rose slipped up besides Jayce, grasping the strap of her bag, her head ducked, her hair hiding her face from view.

It didn't take long for Xander to notice her, faster than it did Jayce. "Ah, Weasel." Xander exclaimed. "I heard about your success on the Quidditch team. I for one will be cheering for you."

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