Chapter 31 - Hidden Secrets

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"Jayce! Stop!" Indie squealed with laughter, shoving the boy as he attempted to rap.

Jayce ignored her. Smirking, he continued. He had one hand on invisible headphone as he bopped his head. The other hand on imaginary turntables. 

"Seriously Jayce! Stoooop!" She grabbed hold of his arm, knocking her head into his shoulder as they stumbled up the snowy street.

"What?" He feigned innocence. "Is that not how its done? I thought that's how muggles played music."

"That's a Dj! Not a band." She shook her head. "Besides that's sooo old. That's like 2000's shit. No one does that anymore."

"Whaaaat? Of course they do! You just said your brother did."

"No." Indie groaned. "I said he's in a band! He plays at an open mic occasionally."

Jayce squinted mockingly at her. "If you say so." He started rapping again. 

She whacked him on the arm. "Dickhead."

Jayce shot her a cheesy grin. Removing a hand from his 'headphones' he ruffled her head, pulling her into a headlock. Laughing she struggled under his grasp. The more she pulled, the tighter he held her. Trying to get any control, her fists pounded his back. Finally he let her go.

"HA!" Indie stuck her tongue out at him. She waved her middle finger in his direction. Eyeing the ball of snow he scooped from the ground, she shot off up the street. He chased after her, the snowball exploding mid air, showering the both of them. 

Alex and Sia trailed behind them, having watched the whole exchange. They trudged up Hogsmeade's high street after them. Hands dug deep in pockets, scarfs wound tightly around their necks as they hid against the cold. Despite the fact that it was March next week, the snow and ice still hadn't thawed and they'd had another dip in temperature over the past few days.

"I thought she was meant to be your girlfriend." Sia said as Jayce tackled Indie to the floor, shoveling snow down the back of her jacket. She watched them curiously.

Alex took a moment to reply, debating what to say. "For now." He finally said.

Sia snapped her gaze towards him. "What don't you like her?"

The shrewd boy shrugged. "I do...It's pointless really though."

"Don't give up." She said, despite selfishly wanting him to. "She really likes you, she's spent ages pining after you."

"I know. It's not as though we'll ever have a future."

"You don't know that." 

"I do. My parent's would never approve, they want me married off....Besides, We're moving back to America at the end of the school year." 

Sia gasped, bringing a hand to her mouth. "No."

For the first time Alex looked across at her. He nodded, his features softening. He didn't need to. She could see the truth in his eyes. Open and wide, the pain clearly there. 

"Your leaving Hogwarts as well aren't you?"

"It's not been decided." But the truth was in his eyes. The finality of it. He knew deep down he wouldn't be returning to do his NEWTs. He knew the next four months was all he had left of his friends.

Sia touched his arm gently. "I'm so sorry." 

He shrugged again. "It's life."

Sia stared at him. He stared back. His piercing eyes full of pain. They said everything his mouth didn't. He didn't want to go but he had to. Her eyes said the same. She's miss him. She didn't want him to leave. 

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