Chapter 12 - Purple

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"Hey." Scorpius grinned. He ran a hand though his windswept hair attempting to make it even more so as he made his way towards Rose, supconciously adding a slight swagger to his step. "You did great there."

Rose laughed nervously. "No I didn't." She shook her head, her cheeks burning and cast her gaze to the floor. "I did terrible."

"No, you didn't!" Scorpius exclaimed. "You were by far the best chaser."

"Really?" Rose said, looking up, surprised by the compliment.

"Yeah..." Scorpius paused, trying to think of the best way to keep her attention now that he had it. "I might consider putting you on the team again."

"No. I couldn't." Rose felt a rush of fear replace the relishment of attention. "No."

"Of course, you could, your amazing." Scorpius preened to wrapped up in flaunting to notice her wide eyes and shaking voice.

"And-" A cool voice began behind them. They spun around. At the sight of Isabelle, Scorpius felt himself deflate as Rose relaxed besides him. "And that my dear cousin is where you stop trying to flirt. Weasel, here, is clearly not paying attention, as you, clearly weren't paying attention to what was coming out of your mouth."

His face the same colour as Rose's hair, Scorpius glared at his cousin.

She smirked. "Oh, look, why don't you run along to your little Gargoyle, he's waiting for you." Isabelle nodded at Jayce, heading towards them, his broom slung over his shoulder and trying to catch the attention of some fourth year girls, although failing succesfully.

"Was he really trying to flirt with me?" Rose gasped as Scorpius stomped towards Jayce. Her fear became momentarily forgotten.

"Quite unsuccesfully so." Was Isabelle's reply, which Rose took to mean yes.


"Because your a girl and he's a boy." Isabelle said, compeletly unconcerned by it, as she inspected her nails. "Don't worry darling, he won't try it on you again for a while."

"How do you know?"

"I'll see to it that he doesn't...Besides he needs coaching first, a lot of coaching." She glanced up. "I'd run along if I were you, that mud blood and Gargoyle number 2 are heading this way, and they don't seem in the mood for idle chatter."

Rose stared at Isabelle for a moment, trying to comprhend what she'd just said but the other girl had turned to discussing Liam Moore with Ivy. Blinking, Rose looked towards Sia, Indie and Alex. Isabelle was right, they did look very grave. Trying to lighten the mood she grinned at them, only reciving a half smile Sia. Slowly she jogged towards them.

"What?" Rose questioned. "What is it?"

When none of them said anything, Rose began to panic slightly. What had happened? Finally, after a silent exchange between the three, Sia held out a purple envelope, one with a ministry seal, wripped through the middle.

Rose recognised it instantly, as being from her mother. Over the her lifetime she'd received many purple papered letter's with ministry seals on. Usually they sparked a feeling of excitement but today they sparked a feeling of terror. Soemthing had to be wrong. She'd only sent them a letter the day before they couldn't have had time to reply so fast.

Rose turned over the envelope, this time registering the wripped seal. "Why's it open?" She looked up to see three very guilty faces staring at her. None of them spoke.

"I think..." Isabelle drawled as she strolled past with Ivy. "That Indie is the person you should be asking."

Rose blinked. Open mouthed she turned to Indie. "Really?" She gaped at her. "Again? First, you can't help but tell everyone everything about me and now you read my post?" Rose waved the said envelope in the air. "I expect the whole of Slytherin will know what's in side it by the end of the day. Do you have any idea of privacy at all?"

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