Chapter 28 - Flying Papers and Truths

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As January turned into Febuary, homework began to pile up again, Albus's injuries faded to be replaced with new ones and life almost returned to normal. Hidden in a corner of his Common Room, Albus gingerly touched a fresh bruise along his jawline. Tilting his head to one side he ran his fingers lightly along the bone, wincing when he pressed too hard.

"Albie Boo!" Albus jumped as his older brother clapped him on the shoulder. He let out a hiss as his fist knocked into his face. He sent James a look of loathing and pain as he slid lazily into the seat opposite him.

"What do you want?" Albus snapped. He pulled his transfiguration textbook towards him, diverting his attention back to the essay he'd been working on.

James gauffed. "To talk to my ickle baby brother." He said in a childish voice. He trailed his arm across the table, drawing invisible patterns on the wood. "Is that not allowed?"

Albus rolled his eyes. "Fred's in detention is he?" He snatched a scroll of parchment from his brother and moved it to the chair next to him.

"Yeah, You'd think Minnie'd know our pranks are harmless by now. Honestly, you'd think fireworks in the Hospital Wing'd cheer the patients up. Apparently charming them to chant Gryffindor is the Best is 'too much'!"

"Isn't it full of Slytherins?"

"They shouldn't have got sorted into the wrong house should they?"

"You shouldn't have given them food poisoning!"

James waved him away. "Pfft, they'll live." He glanced down at the book Albus had just shut. "Why are you doing homework anyway? Transfiguration is easy."

"For you maybe." Albus muttered sourly. "How come your not in detention as well?"

James smirked proudly. He sat up straight and clasped his hand together. "I was very busy helping Hagrid."

Albus rolled his eyes and leant over his work, concious of his brother watching him. The minutes ticked by with James sat mindlessly leafing through Albus's work and Albus letting out irritated huffs every now and then. 

"If your bored, why don't you go find Lily!" Albus finally snapped when James knocked a stack of papers to the floor for the upteenth time. 

"Why don't you lighten up a bit?" He bent to pick up the papers

"I will, when your irittating her and not me. You only ever bother me when you have no one else to talk to, if you actally want to talk to me pick a time when I'm not studying!" 

"Jesus, calm down!" James stood up, throwing the parchment across the desk. "You need to stop hangning out with those snakes, they're having a bad effect on you. Far too toxic."

"They're the toxic ones?" Albus asked himself as James disappeared. He watched as the papers fluttered to a rest across the table, chairs and floor. He bit his lip until he bitter taste of blood filled his mouth. 

It was a full minute before Albus got up to collect them, attempting not to rip them with anger for his brother as he did so. As he reached for the last one, he caught onto the coversation from the next table.

"You won't believe what Lily Potter just told me." Sophie Warrens, a third year girl with pink hair and a notorius gossip, gushed excitedly as she joined a group of friends from the year above. 

"Oh my god, what? Tell us!" Evie Armstrong, a kind, bubbly girl, patted the chair besides her.  

"Well," Sophie took the seat and the group leant in to listen. 

"She kissed him!" Piper Green exclaimed. "Noo! What will her family say? Are you sure?"

"Shhh." Sophie nodded excitedly but sent her a pointed look. She glanced around and catching sight of Albus lowered her voice.

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