Chapter 19 - Fighting Back

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"Come on, Rose." Indie begged. "You've got to eat something."

Rose shook her head. She stared blurry eyed at the toast in front of her. She wasn't going to eat it. How could she? If she succumbed to her hunger, like she had to Xander, what control did she have over her life? Nothing. She hadn't been able to control her sorting or her family's reaction to it. She hadn't been able to control anyhhjng, but now, she was controlling this.

"Rose, you have to!" Indie pleaded. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

Rose shook her head. She pushed the plate away. She didn't even know why she'd come.

"Weasel." A cool voice cut through the air. The two Slytherin Girls looked up. "If you eat that, then I'll chuck myself in the great lake."

"I don't like toast." Rose whispered. Both Indie and Isabelle saw straight through her lie.

"You had toast for breakfast yesterday." Indie stated.

Rose turned away from her.

At the same time, Isabelle removed the plate of toast and replaced it with a bowl of fruit. "If you eat every piece of that I'll jump in the lake."

"No." Rose replied. "I don't like bananas."

"I'll take the bananas out." Isabelle said. She reached across the table and did just that. When Rose still didn't eat it, she Tipped half of the fruit into her own bowl. "If you eat some of that, I'll jump into the lake."

Rose shook her head again. She wasn't going to eat any of it. She knew that if she succumbed to the gnawing pain in her stomach then, she'd end up eating everything on the table and she couldn't allow herself to do that. She'd loose control.

She was about to push herself up and run away from it when another voice broke through the waiting silence.

"Why's Scorpius got a black eye?" Sia questioned curiously as she slid into a seat opposite Rose.

Isabelle sniggered. "I forgot about that." She muttered out loud and glanced down the table to where the blonde was sat on his own. He looked particularly sour and stabbed viscously at his bacon. His nose was scrunched up and although strands of greasy hair flopped into it his left eye was quite clearly red and purple.

"He deserved it."

"What?" Sia looked at her sharply.

Isabelle glanced at Indie and Rose before speaking. "Where's your brother and Nott?"

"In the Common Room." Sia said confused. "Why?"

"I expect they'd like to hear this as well, especially Jayce. He's friends with Zabini, right?" Sia nodded. "Let's go then, we haven't got all day."

Indie and Rose watched as Isabelle strutted from the Great Hall, Sia following behind a very puzzled look on her face. She clearly had no idea what was going on.

As they disappeared around the corner Indie turned away but Rose continued to watch. "Rose?" She said dragging her back to the present. "Rose?"

Rose looked at her. She didn't say anything, merely stared at her friend, her large brown eyes fixed on her.

"You needed to finish your breakfast."

Rose glared at her. Putting her hands on the table she made to push herself up. A voice stopped her.

"Running away is not going to achieve anything." Sam said, sliding into Sia's vacated seat. "Sit." Rose sat, her gaze fixed on him.

"What do you want for breakfast, Rose?" Sam asked, gesturing to the wide arrange of food on the table. "Toast, Yogart, Muffin, Fruit, Cooked Breakfast?"

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