Chapter 35 - Family ties

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Rose Weasley never usually went home for Easter. Usually she stayed at Hogwarts. Usually she had Scorpius Malfoy to keep her company. Only he wasn't there. 

Rose stared out the window at the grubby London houses passing by. They'd be arriving at the station soon. The compartment was unusually silent. It was only her and the Goyle twins. Sia was curled up at the side of her, her head in a book. Jayce was stretched out asleep across the opposite seats. 

The conversation had been minimal. Rose felt a pang of loneliness, a desire to talk to someone about the nerves in her stomach. Excitement and fear. She'd talked far to much about it to Sia. She was probably bored of her by now. She wished Sam was here. He'd understand. He was back at Hogwarts. He went home as little as possible. For him home consisted of a three bedroomed house, 11 siblings and abusive parents. 

Rose didn't even have Indie to distract her. Her and Alex had decided to stay at Hogwarts, to spend the last of their time together. Not many people went home at Easter it was a shorter holiday compared to Christmas and summer and a lot closer to exams. Most students opted to stay at Hogwarts to revise. 

As the train drew to a halt, Rose peered out the window, searching the crowd for the distinctive hair that indicated her lift home. She caught sight of it down the platform. 

"Ready?" Sia asked from the doorway. She had a small smile on her face, one that reflected the excitement stirring in Rose's stomach. 

"Always." Rose arched her back and grabbed her belongs. Taking a deep breath to settle the nerves, she followed Sia off the train. 

The crowd was starting to thin by the time Rose reached the platform. She could easily make out the distinctive figures waiting for her, expectant looks on their faces. 

"You've got this." Sia squeezed her arm and sent her a reassuring smile. Rose nodded. "Let us know how he is, okay?" 

"You're not coming?" 

"You should be the first to see him." Sia said with one last squeeze of her arm. Before Rose could protest she'd disappeared into the crowd. 

Another deep breath and Rose moved towards the group of three. "Scorpius!" The three Malfoy's stood huddled together, scouring the platform for her. They looked distant and out of place compared to the chatting people around them. "Scorpius!" 

At the sound of his name the blonde boy spun around. A grin lit up his face as he caught sight of her. Rose stopped. He looked different: lighter and happier. He was cleaner too. His hair soft and airy, a bright platinum. His face had more colour in it than before. His appearance was tidy, his clothes neat and ironed - the work of Astoria Rose suspected. 

Then Rose broke into a run, a warmth spreading across her chest. Dragging her trunk behind her, she tore across the thinning platform. She flung herself onto him, gripping him tightly and digging her hands into the back of his jacket. 

"Scorpius." She breathed in his woody scent. Clean and fresh. Mixed in with cinnamon, oranges and the smell of coldness and freshly washed clothes. It was him. Something she hadn't smelt in a long time. 

"Rose." Rose gripped him tighter, afraid that if she let go he'd disappear. To think she could have lost him, that if it wasn't for Lucy he wouldn't be here. She berried her face deeper into his chest. Tears threatened to fill her eyes. He was safe and he was here with her. His arms tightened around her. He lent his cheek against the top of her head. 

Rose didn't know how long she stood there, wrapped in safety and warmth, eventually she was tugged away. "Rose." This time it was Astoria that said her name. She felt a gentle hand on her back as she was pulled away from Scorpius. Rose looked up into those kind brown eyes and wrapped herself around her instead. 

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