Chapter 1 - The Ball

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Her thoughts wandering, Melissa, or Sia, Goyle stared around the Great Hall, it was decked out in silvers for the Christmas ball, fairies fluttering around the many trees, silver bubbles floating around the starry sky. It was truley magical. Being a fourth year she hadn't had the opportunity to experience it before, she could see why the older pupils spoke of it with an awed expression.

Her kind dark eyes landed on her twin brother. He was stood by the drinks table, leaning on it as he chatted up a girl in the year above. Even as she watched, the two got up and moved towards the dance floor, Jayce leading, her hand in his, spinning her around as she giggled.

Sia smiled glad to see her brother happy. The two of them had changed since coming to Hogwarts, she was still the same quiet girl on the outside but she was more ready to stick up for herself and what she believed in, adding her thoughts to conversations more, and Jayce, she wasn't sure how he'd changed but she knew he had, she could sense it when she was around him. 

Sia moved her gaze from her brother and turned to look at her friend sat besides her, tuning into what she was saying.

"Rose would have loved this." Sia commented hearing both the words Rose and Love in the gush of words the spilt from Indie's mouth.

"Mmm she would." Indie said, her gaze wandering. "I wonder what happened to her, after she arrived at Beaubatons." 

"I don't know. I heard that Louis was sent there, so he wouldn't get hurt again, Rose got them exepelled for causing trouble."

"He arrived back three weeks ago."

"I know." 

"At least Scorpius has got over Rose." A boy with olive skin and toused mousy brown hair said, arriving with 3 butterbeers.

"Alex, There is a difference between snogging Louella for the past month and getting over Rose." Indie pointed out accepting her drink off him as he sat down. "He's still in love with her."

"How are we meant to make him realize that?" Sia gushed, leaning forward and psuhing a strand of short dark hair behind her ear.

"I dunno." Indie replied offhandedly, brushing it aside. She stood up, placing her butterbeer on the table and turning towards Alex. "Lets dance."

"No, I don't really-"

"Come on! You must be excellent, coming from a family like yours."

"My parents tend to hold dinner parties over-"

"Come on! It will be fun!" Indie grabbed hold of his hand and dragged him to his feet. Despite his protests a small triumphant smile appeared on his face, something only Sia noticed, with a slight pang of jelousy. 

Jayce appeared moments later, the girl no where to be seen, a massive grin on his face and panting as though he'd just run a mile. "Guess...who...I've...just....seen." He breathed, flopping into a chair and picking up Indie's discarded butterbeer and downing it in one.

"Who?" Sia asked, slightly curious, turning her gaze from Indie and Alex to her brother. 


"What!" Sia exclaimed shooting to her feet, the butterbeer crashign to the floor. "How do you know? Are you sure its her? Have you told Scorpius?"

"It's definatly her." Jayce confirmed. "And Scorpius is far to with Louella to pay any attention." He stood up, peering into the crowd. "Hey, Indie, Alex! Get your arse's over here!"

Jayce sat back down and watched as Indie and Alex detangled themselves from eachother and made their way over, pushing past people and elbowing them out of the way, Indie dragging Alex by the hand. Jayce scowled.

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