Chapter 4 - Lost Love

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"Alright everyone, now you know what to do, please pair up and get to work on your Potions."

Rose stood up, scraping her stool along the stone floor as she did so, a hint of a smile on her face. This was going to be easy.

Rose turned expectantly to her right, where her best friend sat. She opened her mouth, to ask whether she should get the ingredients or the equipment but a shout from Indie cut her short.

"Hey, Scorp!" Indie called across the aisle to the other side of the back row where the boys sat. "Partners?" He agreed immediately and began to make room for her on the desk.

Rose stared at them, her mouth still open. They hadn't even noticed she was there. Without even a glance at her they began discussing the best way to make the potion. She watched them, the pen she'd had in her hand slipping from her grasp, a pang spreading through her chest.

Rose jumped as a hand landed on her arm. She turned away from them. Sia stood besides her, a soft expression on her face, her eyes trained on Rose. "You can work with me if you like." She said kindly.

Rose nodded, turning away, not wanting her friend to see the pain etched across her face. She'd presumed everything would go back to how it was.

"You have been away for 10 months." Sia said as though voicing her thoughts. "They bonded over your absence once you left. You've got to give them time, get used to having you around again."

"I suppose your right." Rose said as she began to chop up some daisy roots. She knew Sia was right. She just imagined things different to how they were. Rose glanced across at them, they were deep in discussion.

Sia just smiled. "Do you want to do the stiring or shall I?"

"You can." Rose said. She leant on the desk, fiddling with a stray daisy root, watching as Sia picked up the ladle. "How was your holidays?"

"Fine." Sia replied, stiring the start of their potion. "We spent most of it at home. We went 'round Alex' s for the last few days though, Dad had to get back to work and Mum didn't even bother replying to his owl, asking whether we could go to her."

"I'm sorry." Rose said straightening up and placing a hand on her friends arm.

"It's alright." Sia said, shrugging her shoulders. "It happens, I've got used to it now."

Rose smiled weakly, pity stiring in her stomach.

"Anyway," Sia began, changing the subject. "How was your holiday? I heard you went 'round Indie's."

Rose laughed. "Ha, yeah that was intresting." She said leaning against the desk again, memories flashing through her mind. Sia looked at her, waiting for her to expand but she didn' t say any more.

"I think Scorpius is avoiding me." Rose said in a whisper, glancing across at the two. They didn't notice though. "He hasn't said two words to me since we got back and he wouldn't open my Christmas present when I gave it to him."

This got Sia's attention. "It's natural Rose." She said gently. "He still cares for you and after... Well hevs just unsure around you. He'll come back when he's ready but you've got to show him that you'll wait."

Rose sniffed, her mind going to the holidays. Eventually she said, "That s what my cousin told me."


"Alright class! Pack up! Bottle up your potions and bring them to the front of the class."

"I'll do it." Scorpius muttered, taking the file from Indie. "You pack up."

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