Chapter 5 - Burning

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"And that is it!" Rose shouted, standing up and pointing a finger at Indie.

"You still snogged my brother!" Indie said sounding agahst.

"You stole my best friend!" Rose lifted the large hardback book she'd been reading, from the desk and slammed it back down again, for the mere effect of doing so.

"I am your best friend!" Indie yelled, indicating to herself. "Besides, I didn't steal him, Louella stole your bloody boyfriend!" 

Rose glanced across at Scorpius, who had been sat, his head bowed, attempting to read his textbook, cowering from the fight. His cheeks burning his stood up, muttering something about finding Jayce and fled the Library.

Rose watched him confused before turning back to Indie. "He is not my boyfriend!" She smirked. "Davy is." 

Indie spluttered but before she could say anything Rose had scooped up her stuff and marched off, so as not to loose the argument, when she was on the winning ground.

Rose'd got halfway to the common room when she heard Indie's hurried footsteps. She continued walking, her eyes fixed straight ahead. 

"When did this happen?" Indie implored, seeming to have forgiven her, and was no focusing on discovering the details. 

"At Christmas." Rose rolled her eyes. Indie stared at her blankly. "When we went missing when you went over to the rocks."

"You went missing?" Indie asked, her face clouding over.

Rose rolled her eyes again. "And this is why you didn't notice."

"I just thought you were really good friends."

"Of course." Rose said, smirking at her friends obliviousnessness. She slipped her arm through Indie's. "And I suppose you and Alex are really good friends?"

Indie blushed.

"Don't play him too much mind." Rose pointed a warning finger at her. "He's practically my cousin and I like to keep my family has whole as possible, it's already got to many gaps in."

"Alright, Alright."

Rose smiled, satsified she broached a more happy side of the topic. "So, are you going to go to Hogsmeade togther?"

"Of course." Indie said, unashamedly.

Rose stared at her. "You've asked him already? The next Hogsmeade trip isn't until March."

"No." Indie laughed, brushing it aside brazenly. "But I will."

"Will what?" Sia asked coming up behind them and slipping her arm through Rose's so they were all joined at the elbow, walking in a line of three, making others move out of their way. 

"Ask Alex to Hogsmeade." Rose looked across at Sia. The smile on her face faded slightly and her eyes clouded over. Rose watched her, thinking.


"You know," Sia said thoughtfuly, her hands on the nearly empty bottle of butterbeer, moving it about the bar, the ridges on the bottom grinding against the wooden surface. "I think I might go find Jayce." 

Sia looked around the crowded pub, as if expecting to see him. Rose knew he wasn't there though, she'd seen him disappear with a Ravenclaw girl, one of Louella's friends, Jenny something or another. She didn't say so though, merely taking a sip of butterbeer and averting Scorpius's gaze.

"Alright." Scorpius muttered from Sia's otherside. "Good luck."

Rose nodded at Sia as she got up. The girl returned it and downed the last of her drink before disappearing into the mass of people. Still leaning on the bar, her hands wrapped around the brown bottle, Rose looked across at Scorpius. He was staring into the golden dregs of his butterbeer.

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