Chapter 32 - Decisions

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Dear Scorpius,

Did you like the surprise? I added the glitter specially for you, just cause I know you love it. I don't. I had to touch glitter for you, do you know how much of a sacrifice that was? Glitter. Ugh.

Its good to hear you're getting out and not stuck in that creepy old mansion. Don't roll your eyes. It's creepy. At least the top floor is. My room's spectacular. I still can't believe your mum made it for me! Please thank her again even though I've done that for the past 2 years. 

But it is good to hear you've been out. It sounds like you had a great stroll around the park and village with your mum. Maybe it can be a weekly thing? Don't feel pressured to make it so though. I hope it helped. It sounds like it did. And the gardening, even if it is for old people. I'm glad your enjoying it. Keep it up. The fresh air is really great. Maybe you should try running? It helps me. In fact, I've just finished one, or I will have once I write this. 


The words rolled through Rose's head. Like waves on the sea. One word after another, until they formed sentances and sentances paragraphs. She proccessed them in time with the pounding of her feet, the sound of her heavy breathing fresh ears. 

The castle drew closer, the large wooden doors growing in size. Rose slowed to a walk. She scribbled down the time on her arm below her start time. Leaning against the rough stone wall, she stretched out her hamstrings. ...8, 9, 10. She pushed herself away from the wall and headed indoors.

Stretching her arms above her head, Rose strode across the entrance hall. It was dinner time. People swirled around her, entering and exiting the Great Hall. She'd almost reached the dungeons when someone called her name.

"Rose!" Seeing who it was, Rose quickened her pace. "Rose, Wait!"

"What do you want Albus?" Rose snapped not looking at him as he fell instep with her. She tightened her ponytail.

"To apologise."

Rose stopped. "Excuse me?"

"I want to apologise."

"For what?" She inhaled deeply to settle her breathing. It had risen again, this time with nerves and not excertion. "What 'Accident' has James caused now?"

"What..Nothing." Albus blinked. "I think. This has nothing to do with James. Infact he'll probably kill me...but to hell with James."

"I wouldn't let him hear you say that." Rose looked at him for the first time, her eyes narrowed.

"Well fuck him. Fuck the whole family. They only care about themselves. If you're not one of them, you get kicked out."

"Congratulations, you finally figured it out." Rose rolled her eyes. She continued walking. 

Behind her Albus bit his lips, hesitant. He needed to do this. She needed this. He couldn't stand the guilt. Sucking up his Gryffindor Courage, he reached out towards her. "Rose, wait! Please!"

"Get off me!" Rose cried, shaking his hand off her arm.

"Rose, Please." His eyes wide, begging.

"Fine." Arms crossed, Rose lead him into a hidden passageway behind a nearby tapestry. She waited from him to close it before she spoke. "What do you want?"

"To Apologise-Don't inturrupt, please-" Albus said as she opened her mouth to protest. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not sticking by you when you were sorted. I'm sorry for all the things I've said and done and for all the things I should have. I'm sorry for we treated you."

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