Chapter 11 - Tryouts

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"Alright guys, so as you know there are only two places free on the team this year, which is for the spot of chasers."Scorpius shouted to the crowd gathered, glancing over at the stands every now and then. I will be keeping the same team as last year, although as the year progresses I may make adjustments to it. The current team members are; Oscar Wilde as Keeper; Oli Pitt as Chaser;" He paused, glancing down at the paper in his hand, he gulped before continuing, as though finding it difficult to speak. "Beaters: Me and-Liam Moore; and Alik Darwin as Seeker."

Looking towards the stands, in the direction he knew Rose to be sitting, Scorpius continued. "To start I'll conduct a warm up, then I'll split you into two groups. One of you will go with Darwin and Wilde and the other group will go with Pitt and Moore. They'll be judging your Scoring ability. You'll have 10 attempts at scoring, every two at a different distance from the goal posts. We'll then go on to play a game of Quidditch, switching the 2 chaser's every two minutes. You will play against last year's reserve team, however there will be tryouts for a new resere team later this week."

"Okay! Mount your broomsticks! I want three laps of the pitch!" The group of chasers began to dispurse, slowly rising in the air. Broomstick in his hand, Scorpius walked towards the opposite stands to the ones Rose and Sia where sat. "Faster! Come on! Get a move on!" He shouted at the dawdling players. "Pitt! Moore! Wilde! Darwin!"

Rose watched as the four player's, who'd been circling the sky, dropped to the floor and made their way towards Scorpius, laughing at the small second years lagging behind.

"You should try out." Rose jumped as Sia whispered in her ear.

"No. I can't." Rose shook her head. "What if I hurt someone again?"

"You won't." Sia said firmly.

"You don't know that."

"I don't." Sia shrugged. "But I belive it."

Rose shook her head again. She gazed at the figures outlined against the sky; the first few players had finished their first lap. "They've already started though, Scorpius would never let me join late."

"Then we both know two very diffferent Scorpius's." Sia stated, her eyes fixed on her friend. "Scorpius would do anything for you."

Rose ignored her. "Besides, I haven't got my broomstick."

"Ah, Now, Weasel. That's where we come in." Rose and Sia spun around to see Isabelle sit down on the bench behind them, resting her elbows on her knees. "Goyle, here, thought you might say that. So I took the pleasure of retrieving your broom for you." Isabelle looked up at Ivy stood above her and nodded.

Silently, her dark hooded eyes fixed on Rose, Ivy jumped down a step, her landing vibrating along the wooden board, and handed Rose her Nimbus 2001. Her chin tilted up Ivy sat down next to Isabelle, swinging one leg over the other.

"Run along Weasel." Isabelle nudged Rose, the corner's of her mouth turning up. "You don't want to keep my darling cousin waiting longer than he has to."

Rose didn't say anything, she merely stared at the dark wood her hand was wrapped around. Slowly, as though her legs didn't belong to her, she stood and clambered onto her broomstick before shooting into the air, her whole body shaking.

Sia watched her go for a moment, feeling a surge of pride that she'd convinced her friend to fly again, before tuning into what Isabelle was saying. "I wish he'd just get on with it, we've been waiting since 1st year, and I expect it will take until 7th year though, my darling cousin can never do anything fast, expecially not when courage is needed; he hasn't got much of that."

"Why do you talk sh-shit about Scorpius?" Sia asked thoughtfully, squinitng up at the blonde.

"Because that is what you do when you have a cousin the same age as you, Sia, darling." Isabelle said. "I expect you of all people to know, you do have a twin."

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