32| want me to feed you?

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I met his gaze, my own unwavering. "So, no, Sawyer. I'm not scared. Not of you, never of you."

As Sawyer spoke, his gaze lingered on mine, filled with warmth and adoration. Without hesitation, he leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. His arms wrapped around me, drawing me closer, as if seeking solace and reassurance in our embrace.


Two weeks had passed since Sawyer took that nasty stab. You'd think he'd want to chill in the hospital a bit longer, but no, not Sawyer.

He's all about getting back on his feet ASAP.

So there he was, working like nothing happened, leaving me in awe of his stubborn determination.

I had tried to convince him to stay home longer so he'll heal faster but he brushed it off claiming it was merely a scratch and Matteo backing him up saying he's been through worse.

I've been keeping a close eye on him, watching as he throws himself back into work like the superhero he thinks he is.

And yeah, I gotta admit, he's a badass. But l'm not just gonna stand back and watch, you know? I've got his back, whether he likes it or not.

Between all the chaos and the late-night meetings, there are these moments when it's just us. And in those moments, I see a different part of him, not the ruthless cold mafia don everyone sees, but a tender loving man who would move mountains to keep me safe.

Sawyer had been very cautious and even more protective about the whole James thing, tracking his movements and always staying one step ahead.

He's been telling me not to worry about the whole thing, I know he's got it under control but I yearn to stand by his side, to be part of the fray, but he was resolute in keeping me out of harm's way.

Emerging from the shower and putting on Sawyer's shirt, I have my clothes too but let's just say his are more comfortable and I forgot to give it back. (I didn't forget I just don't plan to give it back to him.)

Sawyer promised to stay home today since we haven't really spent much time together since the hospital stuff and I refused to sleep in his room cause I know one activity would lead to one and to another, I don't want him to strain his injury more than he is already doing.

I went to him room but he wasn't there so I went to the living room and heard sound and inhaling the the aroma ever.

He's the sweetest.

He was wearing a black shirt and grey sweatpants, he noticed my presence and finally looked back taking in his shirt on my body.

"Good morning bella." He greeted walking towards me with his usual smirk.

"Good morning" I smiled before tiptoeing as he planted a gentle kiss on my lip.

He pulled me in for a hug and I got my chance to inhale his intoxicating scent, the urge to lift me surged within him, but I hesitated, mindful of his injury.

"I don't care," he retorted, lifting me effortlessly, his arms secure around me.

"I missed this," he confessed, peppering kisses across my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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