29| don't cry

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As I sat there, surrounded by the soft glow of candlelight and the sweet scent of fresh flowers, my heart raced with anticipation. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, each second stretching out as l waited for Sawyer to arrive.

I glanced at the clock on the bedside table, the minutes ticking by agonizingly slow. With each passing second, my excitement grew, mingling with a hint of nervousness.

What if Sawyer didn't react the way I hoped? What if my surprise fell flat?

But then, I pushed aside my doubts and focused on the sheer thrill of the moment.

Tonight was about more than just a surprise; it was about creating a memory, a moment that we would both cherish forever.

As I waited, I couldn't help but replay our last conversation in my mind. The way Sawyer's voice had sounded, the warmth in his words, it filled me with a sense of longing and desire.

Despite the distance between us, I could feel the connection between us growing stronger with each passing day.

And now, as I sat here, waiting for him to walk through that door, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. Tonight was going to be a night to remember, I could feel it in every fiber of my being.

I decided to reach out to Sawyer and redirect him to his place. With a sense of urgency gnawing at me, I swiftly dialed his number, expecting his prompt response as usual.

Yet, each ring echoed in the eerie silence of unanswered anticipation.

Despite my repeated attempts, Sawyer remained elusive, his usual promptness conspicuously absent. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, signaling the unsettling premonition that something was amiss.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number waiting for him to pick but he didn't.

Sawyer always picks up my call the moment it starts ringing. I called over again and he still didn't pick them I started to have a very bad feeling.

As the minutes ticked by, my anxiety mounted, twisting into a knot of fear in the pit of my stomach. Each unanswered ring sent a shiver of dread down my spine, a nagging voice in the back of my mind whispering ominous possibilities.

Frantically, I paced the room, the soft fabric of my robe trailing behind me like a ghostly apparition. With each unanswered call, my panic intensified, clawing at the edges of my consciousness.

"Why isn't he picking up?" I muttered to myself, the words tumbling from my lips in a desperate plea for reassurance that never came.

My thoughts spiraled, a whirlwind of worst-case scenarios spinning through my mind. Had something happened to him? Was he in danger? The mere thought sent a chill coursing through my veins, freezing me in place as I grappled with the terrifying uncertainty of the situation.

I reached out to Matteo, my fingers trembling as I dialed his number, but the line remained silent, devoid of the familiar voice that could offer solace in times of crisis.

Ezra was unreachable too, his phone silent and lifeless, a stark reminder of the isolation closing in around me.

Panic surged through me like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm my senses with its sheer force. I clutched the phone tightly in my hand, my knuckles turning white as I continued to dial Sawyer's number again and again, each ring met with deafening silence on the other end.

With each unanswered call, the weight of dread pressed down on me like a suffocating blanket, choking off rational thought and leaving only a hollow ache in its wake.

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