30| heroic stunt

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Hours passed before Eddy emerged from the medical room, his expression weary but with a hint of relief.

"He made it through the critical stage," Eddy said, his voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and triumph.

"He's stable for now, but he'll need time to recover."

Tears of relief welled up in my eyes as I thanked Eddy profusely. I couldn't wait to see Sawyer, to hold him close and let him know that he was going to be okay.

As I entered Sawyer's room and saw him resting, a sense of overwhelming gratitude washed over me.

We had made it through the storm, and now, together, we would face whatever came next.

As I stood by Sawyer's bedside, watching him rest, a myriad of emotions swept through me. Relief, gratitude, and a lingering worry all intertwined in my heart.

Sawyer looked peaceful in his sleep, his features softened by the gentle glow of the medical room. I reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead, my touch light and cautious.

Eddy approached me, his expression still serious but with a hint of reassurance. "He's stable now, but he'll need time to recover fully. The next few days will be critical."

I nodded, absorbing his words with a mix of hope and trepidation. "Thank you, Eddy. Thank you for everything."

"Come on it's not a big deal, I'll be back tomorrow morning for a check up, if there's anything call on the nurses alright?" He said and I nodded.

Eddy gave me a pat on the head before leaving the room.

I remained by Sawyer's side, unwilling to leave even for a moment.

The hours passed in a blur as I kept vigil over
Sawyer. Nurses came and went, checking his vitals and administering medication as needed. Each beep of the monitor felt like a lifeline, a reminder that Sawyer was still fighting.

As the night deepened, exhaustion started to creep in, both physically and emotionally. I sank into the bed beside Sawyer, my eyelids heavy but my mind unwilling to rest.

The memories of finding him injured in the bathroom replayed in my mind like a haunting melody. The sight of his blood, the fear of losing him, it all felt too raw, too painful.

But amidst the darkness, there was also a glimmer of hope. Sawyer was alive, he was fighting, and as long as there was breath in his body, there was hope.

I leaned back, my gaze never leaving Sawyer's face.

I whispered words of love and encouragement, hoping that somehow, in his unconscious state, he could hear me.


The next day dawned with a soft glow filtering through the curtains of Sawyer's room. I had spent the night next to Sawyer because the bed was big enough of four.

As the morning light bathed the room in a gentle warmth, I stirred awake, my eyes immediately finding their way to Sawyer. He was still asleep, his breathing steady and peaceful.

I sat up slowly, stretching my stiff muscles, I felt a sense of relief washing over me. Sawyer was alive, and that was all that mattered.

I glanced at the clock on the wall and realized that it was time for Eddy's morning visit. Sure enough, a few minutes later, Eddy entered the room, his expression more relaxed than the previous night.

"Good morning, Serenity," Eddy greeted me with a small smile. "How's he been through the night?"

"He's been stable," I replied, a hint of gratitude in my voice. "No major changes, but he hasn't woken up yet."

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