23| Specter

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"He has work do to, he's not going with us, and we have to go to the store to get some stuff." He said opening the passenger door as I got in.

Sawyer got in the car and sped off, then I felt the urge to tease him a bit.


Sawyer seemed really impatient and I enjoy seeing him like this.

"Are you sure you don't want us to go home first?" I asked watching his knuckles turn white as he tightened his hands on the steering.

"Yeah, I need to get something in the store urgently." He said.

I nodded my head then continued ranting to him about things he couldn't care less about.

Sawyer agreed with everything I was saying answering with "yeah" and "hm mm"

The satisfaction I got from hearing him listen.

He finally took a deep breath and turned off the car. "Let's go." He said.

"Oh, we're here" I said before picking up my bag, Sawyer came to the passenger door for me and took my hand in his.

"The things I plan to do to you"he said smirking.

"Why don't you start now?" I said tip toeing and kissing his lip.

I looked to hve caught him off guard by my actions as I wanted him to loose control and take me right in this parking lot.

"I'm going over here trying to control myself but you clearly don't want me to"he sighed

"Maybe you're right, I don't want you to" I said putting my hands over his neck and taking my hands through his hair.

Sawyer roughly pinned me down his car and pressed his skillful pink lip on mine, passionately kissing me and showing his neediness.

He pressed his groin against me to show me that he was hard and I moaned quietly yearning for more.

I started unbuttoning his shirt signaling to him that I wanted him right now.

"Hold on sweetheart"Sawyer said pulling back slightly.

"Whyyy" I asked.

"I don't want you attracting attention people might think I'm abusing you" he winked.

I laughed at his joke then he adjusted my dress and we started walking into the mall.

Lately, a sense of foreboding has crept over me. Matteo's recent attack feels more like a warning than an assault.

My principle is not to strike first; I only defend.

A trip to the store was necessary to replenish Kamari's prescribed food, which she'd run out of, and some other stuff...for tonight.

I don't want any surprises, especially given our current situation.

Despite Kamari's improving iron levels and increased strength, I remain cautious about her overexerting herself.

Holding her hand protectively, I chose this moment to share a crucial revelation.

Santiago's audacity to encroach upon my territory in Italy demands a response.

"Kamari," I called calmly.

"Hmm," she hummed sweetly, gazing up at me with those captivating eyes.

"There's something I need you to do," I said, minimizing the need for her to overthink.

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