Chapter 1

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He was the creature of the night, but in her presence, he found the light he thought was lost forever.


"Serenity, I'm really not happy with what's going on right now" Ciara my very close friend said closing my suite case.

It's been a day since our commencement and my big brother Ezra told me to come back to Italy, our hometown.

It's been 4years since I last saw my brother so I do miss him, and I want to go but I also want to stay and have a little fun with my friends.

It said it was 'urgent' as usual and I had to leave tonight.

Ciara was pretty mad at me and I don't know how to deal with it, I promised I'll visit regularly thou.

"Ciara I'm sorry I promise, it wasn't my decision and I'm going to visit"

"Cole is going to blow up when he hears this, Zoey too, everyone is going to be mad at you"she complained. "But it's fine, I'll really miss you thou...I hate to admit" she rolled her eye

"Ofcourse you will, I'll miss you too"I smiled pulling her to me so we both fall.

"Ouch"she groaned "get off me"

"My flight is by 7pm, how about we have one last hang out, all of us...I mean it's still 11am"I grinned.

"Yes please, I'll text everyone"she said taking her phone from my bed.

"Thank youu"I said walking out of my room to make sure I didn't forget anything. "I'll be back"

"Sure"Ciara said

I walked into my living room and looked around

"I'll miss this place a lot" I chuckled and picked up my octopus stuffed animal and my blankie.

I backed them in a small suite case and Ciara helped me in moving them to the living room.

"Jeremy couldn't make it, unfortunately he had to run an errand for his dad, but the rest decided to meet at the bowling alley near by." Ciara said

"Okay did you tell them yet?"i frowned.

"Na girl, you'll do that's by yourself"

I sighed thinking about all my friends reaction, Zoey might understand, Cole...I'm not sure, but I'll survive.

Zoey, Ciara and I were getting drinks add stuff waiting for Cole to arrive, I was really nervous to face Coke right now.

Cole has been head over heels in love with me since we started Uni, I didn't feel that spark between us so I didn't give it a chance, we've been keeping it friendly ever since then and I was okay with it.

"So what's up Serena" Zoey smiled, they ask call me Serena at times cause apparently 'serenity is too long'. "What are your plans"! She asked

Here goes nothing
"Well...uhh, please don't be mad but I'm traveling to Italy tonight"I smiled awkwardly

Zoey burst out laughing slapping her thigh" God one Serena, not tell me what you're actually up to"

"No Zoey I'm being for real"I said with a straight face.

She immediately straighten up and widen her eye.

"Serenity, that isn't fair, we all had so much of things we had to do"she pouted.

"That's what I said" Ciara rolled her eye

"Shut up Ciara"I sighed.

"It's okay Serena, but promise you'll visit regularly" She said.

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