18| you're not wearing any bra?

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After having my bath and doing my skincare I laid on my bed and started thinking of Sawyer and the steamy moment we had earlier.

After blushing like crazy I finally fell asleep.


Santiago...I wish I fucking killed him when I had the chance, if anything happens to Matteo I swear.

Driving to my main warehouse to check on Matteo, he got attacked by those Russian fuckers while he was alone, the dick didn't call for back up.

I was having the moment of my life when Edward called me, I kind of wish I didn't pick up.

I got down from my car and went straight into the warehouse, when I got to the hospital section i quickly entered the first room to see Matteo lying on the bed, Edward next to him.

"And he's here" Edward smirked, that tucking smirk that pisses me off.

"He came for me, how romantic" Matteo struggled to speak.

Maybe they should have actually shot his head.

"Don't make me regret coming here"I rolled my eye walking forward. "Why didn't you call for backup?" I asked with my usual facial expression.

"I knew you'd be busy with her"he said before winking.

"Good guess, but forgot that it was about your life? You think it's a joke?" I asked now clearly mad.

"Damn, so y'all really are fucking, I was planning our first date already" Edward said pretending to be hurt as I glared at him.

"Me too man"Matteo said.

"Shut the fuck up! Kind of wish they gave you a headshot instead" I spat.

"That's not so nice" he said before coughing.

"Stop talking damn it" I said before facing Edward.

"Where was he shot?"I asked.

"Two bullets in the stomach, thankfully it didn't damage any organ, and one in the left shoulder"Edward said.

"So he'll live?"I asked before glancing at Matteo who looked to be in pain.

"Unfortunately he will."Edward sighed.

"Ouch, this is why I miss Enzo"Matteo sneered.

"If you speak again, I swear"I threatened and he kept quiet.


"I already called Enzo by the way, he sent some of our men to burn Santiago's warehouses down." Edward said.

That's not enough for me, I'll kill that fucker with my bare hands.

"Don't do anything stupid Sawyer, you'll be putting Serenity in danger." Edward said.

"How long does it take Matteo to recover?" I asked not wanting to have that conversation, I'll do what I want.

"2 months, but 3months to be strong enough for a fight." Edward said and Matteo scoffed.

"I've been through worse, I'll be good in a week or two." He said not looking our way.

I know Matteo has always been about fighting by my side and risking his life for me, but I won't let him die because of that.

"Nobody asked you, 3months and you'll leave alright? And next time if you're not calling me for backup call Edward." I ordered.

"Hey how do you know I won't be in bed with a girl too...or girls" he paused before the last sentence.

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