22| Surviving and thriving

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I resolved in my mind. I had to ensure she understood the boundaries, even if it meant entertaining this flower nonsense.

Some lucky motherfucker Matteo is.

I'll kill him.


As we continued our journey to the hospital my eyes caught a dazzling diamond store along the way. Despite the allure, I resisted the temptation, not wanting Sawyer to spend more than necessary.

Our journey, however, took a series of unexpected shortcuts, raising suspicions about our destination.

"Sawyer," I inquired.

"Hmm?" He hummed, raising his eyebrows and diverting his attention to me, his attentive earning a smile from me.

"Are we still going to the hospital?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"About that... it's more like a private warehouse," he revealed cryptically.

"Oh?" A sense of unease lingered, but I brushed it aside.

There was something about these men, about this world, that intrigued rather than frightened me.

To be honest I don't know if I'll mind.

We got to our destination and Sawyer opened the car door for me again.

Standing before the nondescript 'warehouse', my gaze wanders over the unassuming exterior, oblivious to the opulence concealed within.

Sawyer hands enveloping mine, a reassuring warmth.


As I led her through the vast expanse of my warehouse, her unfamiliarity with this world mirrored in her eyes, I found myself instinctively reaching for her hand.

The connection felt necessary, a way to bridge the gap between her innocence and the complexities hidden within these walls.

Holding her hand wasn't just a gesture of guidance; it was a silent promise, a subtle assurance that in this enigmatic realm, she wasn't alone.

Little did she know the secrets that lingered in the shadows, and for now, my touch served as a shield, protecting her from the truths concealed within the depths of my own creation.

There were no hostages here, and my men, though unaware of our deeper connection, were to be kept at a distance. They didn't know who she really was, and for now, it was a secret I intended to keep.

I know they won't lay a finger on her as I trust my men.

"Boss, the shipments are on schedule, Vincent reported, his gaze unwavering. I acknowledged the update, emphasizing the need for precision.

"Good. Keep an eye on the details; we can't afford any slip-ups," i replied, my tone calculated.

Vincent chimed in, "We had a minor hiccup with the supplier, but I've sorted it out. No complications."

"Handle it discreetly," I instructed, my tone reflecting the gravity of our operations.

As we exchanged nods, a silent understanding filled the warehouse air.

As they left, I couldn't help but notice the flowers in her hands, a stark contrast to the calculated world we navigated.

Matteo had received flowers, and I had an inexplicable urge to toss them away.

Opening the door to Matteo's space, I found Eddy and Matteo sharing laughter.


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