Chapter 2

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My flight to Italy was long and fun, I had just landed and called Ezra.

"Hey brother"I called.

"Little one, I'm guessing you just landed"

"Yeah I just did, so what's my next move"

"My body guard Matteo will pick you up, just stay where you are, he'll find you"

"Ezra you have a lot to tell me"I said

"Okay little one, Sophia is waiting for you at home, I'll be home by tomorrow, it's late so I'll be sleeping over at a friend's house"

"Sure, bye brother"I said

It was already late and cold, glad I brought my coat.
A man about 6 foot walked up to me wearing a black suit.

"Hello Miss Serenity, I'm Matteo" he smiled brightly, he's good looking...really good looking but formal, I stared at his face for a while forgetting to shake his hands.

"Oh hi"I smiled shaking his hands, I'm so stupid.

"Nice to meet you too" he chuckled "I work for your brother Ezra, I'll be taking you home"

"Nice to meet you"I blushed

"Follow me"he smiled

Matteo walked to a black Ferrari and opened the passenger door for me.

Good looking and a gentle man, surprise me more.

"I'll send for your suite cases"he said

Matteo got into the car and did his seat belt then drove off.

"how was your flight?" Matteo asked

"A bit tiring, I was already feeling sick but it's alright"I sighed

"Do you want to go to the doctor or?"he looked over at me to study the state I was in.

I've been feeling lightheaded for a while but I didn't think it was something I needed to see the doctor for, I'm assuming it's because my period just ended.

"No I'm fine, I just need sleep"

"Alright ma'am"he smiled.

"Serenity" I laughed "you're too formal"

"Okay Serenity it is"he laughed

I got a call from Ezra and I picked up excusing myself.

"Hey little one, are you good?"

"Yeah Matteo picked me up already, I like him already"I joked

"He's likable" Ezra laughed and Matteo chuckled. "do you need anything? Sophia already got our chef to prepare something for you"

"Ahh, she's the best I am pretty hungry"I said thinking of all wonderful stuff I could get my tummy filled with.

"she is"he mumbled lovingly " get ready for my surprise too, I'll see you tomorrow little one"

"I can't wait for it too, see you brother night!"I said as we exchanged good byes and hung up

"So what do you like to do for fun Matteo?"I asked

"hmm...I like to hang out with your brother and Sawyer"

"Uhh? Sawyer?"I asked not knowing who that was

"Oh, I work for Sawyerand Ezra, they're best buddies and I don't know what I'd do without them too"he said

Sawyer, it didn't exactly sound familiar but Ezra does talk about his "close friend" or "best friend"

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