31| never of you

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"Don't apologize," I replied, cupping his face gently. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Sawyer smiled faintly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and affection. "I owe you everything," he whispered, his thumb brushing against my cheek.

"You don't owe me anything" she said playing with my hair.

"I know you have questions Kamari.."

"Yeah I do, but I don't think you'll be answering" she interrupted not knowing my plan, she's bound to know...we can't keep it a secret forever.

"Actually I have answers, but I have a question too." I said taking her by surprise.

"Oh...in that case, I want to know everything, I'm tired of being kept in the dark Sawyer." She confessed.

I took a deep breath trying to figure out how she'll take in everything she's about to hear. "Alright so our whole family, we're in the mafia.."I said then paused to see her reaction but she looked unfazed nodding her head urging me to continue.

"I'm the don of the Italian and Puerto Rico's mafia, but my parents were don so i took their places, your father was my father's best friend and they were both running things in Italy just like Ezra and I do now. You're actually a mafia princess and your father was...a dangerous man." I said making sure to keep eye contact with her and I'm proud to see how she's taking it.

"He gambles for a living and looses almost every single one of them, he had a lot of people he was owing so since he couldn't pay with money, he...promised to sell you off to them once you turned 18."

"Oh." She said. "Go on."

"My father felt the need to protect you so he sent you to school in California and conceal your identity so they wouldn't find you and paid off your father's debt to the mafia's he had promised you to but the Russian mafia's didn't agree and only wanted to be paid back with you." I said.

"James Santiago from the Russian mafia one way or the other found out you were in California so I asked Ezra to bring you to Italy so we could keep proper eye on you. That's why I've been keeping you in, things got worse the moment he set his eyes on you, and I never want him to set eyes on you again, let alone talk to you."

"There's going to be a war soon and it's going to be the last, I'm going to end him properly this time, and everything will be normal again, I promise." I reassured.

"That's it? And why did it have to be kept from me?" She frowned.

"We wanted you to have a normal life, the mafia world is more dangerous that you think, it's not like you read in books Bella, anything can happen at anything, everyone wants you dead, people planning an attack on you each minute and you don't really have a trusted ally." I explained and I really hoped she understands.

"I suspected that you were into some shady shit anyways, I just wanted to show you that I'd stand by you even if you were the king of hell," she said.

"But I am thou, I was only scared of you running from me, I had my eyes on you ever since we were both kids." I confessed and she laughed at my supposed joke except I wasn't joking, the mafia world is hell and I apparently am the don of the top 2 strongest mafia.

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