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we were going back home again... the place I got kidnapped... It'll be fine, you have Alex to protect you...


we got on the plane and I made her sit next to me for the whole flight. I didn't bring anything to do on the plane, so I was stuck with my thoughts. Jess was asleep on my shoulder, so I couldn't talk to her, so I was thinking about who in the world would have fucking kidnapped her. I thought of who had access to the broadcast system, who had access to the guns I saw they were using, who knew about how much I loved Jess, and then one thing led to another in my mind and everything clicked. Earl Olsen. my most trusted advisor. he knew everything. he knew things about the kidnapping that I didn't tell him. he had access to everything. 

we arrived in Jess's hometown, and avoided the paparazzi as we went to Jess's house to meet all of her family. I arranged it so that her mom, dad, brothers, cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, pretty much everyone would be there. when we arrived, the house was packed. I couldn't sit down without being shoulder to shoulder with someone else. it was loud, and honestly kind of smelly, but it was nice. I met everyone there and I loved every single one of them. Jess looked uncomfortable so I walked over there and gave her an out. "Hey, Princess, your dad is asking for you, he's in the other room." she looked relieved. "ok, I'll be right there." she turned to the relative she was talking to earlier. "I'm sorry, but I have to go, I hope you'll excuse me." I held her arm as she all but ran away. "so, where's my dad?" she asked. "he wasn't asking for you. you just looked uncomfortable. are you ok?" I steered her towards the bathroom. "Yeah, I'm fi- where are we going?" I smirked. "you'll see..."


he was my hero. I was getting so bored talking to my great aunt Judy. she was trying to hug me, but I kept saying no. my step-uncle was ogling me and I just wanted to get away from all of them. Alex steered me into the bathroom, stepped in, and locked the door. "wh-what are you doing?" I asked. "well, this is the only private place where we can be alone..." what? "and why would we need to be alo-" he cut me off when he pushed me against the wall and took my lips in his own. it was like fireworks went off in my head. this was the first time we really kissed... and it was... Amazing. wow... he tasted like... cherries and marshmallows. "Mmmphh..." I pulled away. "i-im sorry, I... I'm..." I looked down. Alex looked dejected. "wh-why? I thought... I'm sorry, I came on too strong, i-" he ran a hand through his hair. "Alex. look at me. its not you. I'm just not ready yet. I love you, I swear. just not now... not here." he looked into my eyes and he just looked... sad. "ok... but I have something to tell you. I think I figured out who kidnapped you." the memories rushed in my head too fast and I got a little lightheaded. "yeah? who?" I asked. "My most trusted advisor, Earl Olsen." my eyes grew wide. "oh. he was talking to me at the party with your family." he looked confused. "Staff members weren't allowed to be at the party..." I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. Oh no... "uhh... could you leave for a sec, I actually have to go to the bathroom..." he stepped out. "come to me when you're done, Princess." he closed the door and I pulled my dress up and sat down on the seat. 


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