4-Snobby Royals

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before i completely blacked out, i saw that i was looking up at the prince.

BOOM! 1 BOOM! 2 BOOM! 3 BOOM! 4 BOOM! 5 BOOM! 6 BOOM! 7 BOOM! 8 BOOM! 9 BOOM! 10  i shake with every boom. I hear the cannon boom on the very first night of the Hunger Games. 10 people dead. the boy from 1, both tributes from 3, both tributes from 4, both tributes from 6, the boy from 10, and both from 11. 10 people dead on the first night. i mean, it makes sense, because there is a general bloodbath at the cornucopia, but 10 people is a little less than half of the people in the games! i check myself and my hiding spot, and it seems good until i check behind me and see Amie, the girl from 1, and...

I wake with a scream just as high pitched as when i saw Amie in the arena. then, i see the prince covering his ears from my high pitched noise. his name is Alex Moore. "ouch." he says. "nightmares?" he asks. "yeah." i reply. "weren't you the girl who won the hunger games?" i shake my head like im getting rid of the memories. "y-yeah." i hesitate. i went into the games when i was 14, the hunger games era ended just 3 years ago when i was just 15 years old, and the government was overthrown by rebels. a monarchy took place with the Moores taking the wheel when no one else was courageous enough to step up even with the amazing possibility.

i feel slightly embarrassed as i walk up the stairs to my room to meet my maids. i look down at my feet as i pass a guard that looks confused. there is one about every 10 feet. after i pass one or two more, one stops me and says, "miss, you're not supposed to be out this late." late? "what time is it?" i ask. "it's 9:45 miss." oh my gosh! i have been out for a while! "im sorry sir, i didnt know. i was in the hospital wing." i told the guard. "well, you better hurry to your room lady..." he looks at my golden nametag "Jae." he says. i run really awkwardly. i trip, fall, get up and look down embarrassed. 

pic is Jess's nametag 


hello! dont have much time to write anymore, so just hi! i will write more tomorrow!


Arweeno! 💜

Just A GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang