Chapter 59

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William could not bear the thought of Edmund marrying someone he didn't love even if Edmund had done the same thing to him , so he took it upon himself to come up with a plan. A plan that would involve making sure the Earl and his family did not want their only daughter to marry Edmund. In order to make this plan work , William would need to involve Harry and Amelia. They would sure ruin tonight's dinner.

After about an hour , Edmund had come down stairs , neatly dressed in his suit with his siblings and Jackson per his request. Even though William and Kate had to pretended to be together for 6 more months , she wasn't at tonight's event , much to Edmunds pleasure. It would be too hard for them both.

"Good Evening your royal highness" Earl David and his wife bowed before him , "This is my wife Mary and I believe you've already met my daughter" he smiled.

"Pleasure to met you Countess" Edmund kissed her hand out of respect , "Allow me to introduce my siblings William , Harry and Amelia and my courtier and private secretary Jackson"

They all exchanged formalities but Edmund could sense the tension in the air.

"Shall we have a seat?" Edmund suggested that everyone move towards the dinning table.

Everyone sat at the table , Charles and Edmund both sat at the head of either side of the table , Camilla sitting on Charles right as Anastasia sat at Edmunds right and Amelia right next to her.

"I don't like your hair" Amelia gave her a strange look.

"Amelia!" Scolded Edmund , "That isn't nice".

"It's okay , your royal highness" Anastasia said.

"No , it's not. You aplogise right now young lady" Edmund hardly scolded his little sister unless he felt he really needed too.

"I'm sorry"

"It's really okay" Anastasia smiled at her , which she didn't return.

Dinner was being served. For starters , they were being served a creamy butternut soup with bread.

Before Edmund could put the spoon into his mouth. The Earl had spat out his soup and messed the napkin he had placed over his shirt.

Everyone stood up
"Is everything okay?" Edmund rushed to the Earls side.

"Forgive my manners but your soup is bloody salty , You should fire your chefs" The Earl tried not to sound angry but the anger was evident on his face.

"Im sure it isn't that bad" Edmund returned to his chair and took a spoonful of soup. He made a face. It was like someone put soup in his salt. "My apologies , It does seem like something went wrong".

Edmund had felt embarrassed.This dinner wasn't going very well.

"Please go and see what happened and ask the chefs to rush on our main course , would you?" Edmund whispered to Jackson

Jackson got up and left to see what the problem was. Edmund noticed his siblings trying to keep from laughing.

"So your royal highness , would you ever go back to the navy?" The Earl asked trying to make conversation.

"I really enjoyed my time on the ship but I believe that I am of more use here right where I am" Edmund answered honestly.

"More use to make a baby and get married , not in that order though" Charles said and everyone laughed , "I don't want a bastard for a grandson" all the older people continued to laugh. Edmund knew talking about this made Anastasia feel awkward so he tried to calm her nerves and offered her a smile.

Just then Jackson came back and whispered into Edmunds ear , " Chef Martin says that he put the amount of salt he normally does but he did see Harry sneaking around in the kitchen earlier".

Before Edmund could do anything , the main meal was served, they were having roasted lamb and potatoes with a cranberry sauce.Edmund looked to his siblings and wondered what was going on.

"William , Harry , a moment please?" Edmund tilted his head to the side , " Jackson I trust you will entertain our guests with one of your stories about our voyages".

The three brothers entered another room and Edmund closed the door.

"One of you better tell me what the hell is going on?" Edmund looked angry.

"Brother listen" Harry began.

"Harry , you better not make a joke right now" Edmund warned.

"Fine look" Harry began.

William took over , " We couldn't just sit back and let you do this.We planned to ruin this evening and maybe the Earl wouldn't allow Anastasia to marry you".

Edmund sighed, " That is very kind of you both , but you need to call whatever stunts you have off. This isn't the way to go about it" Edmund rested his hands on his brothers shoulders , "Thank you both thought , its nice to see that you have my back".

They both smiled at Edmund , " About the stunts - , it might be to late to stop it". Harry looked worried.

They heard someone scream.

"Oh what have you done?" Edmunds anger came back and he left the room they were in to enter the dinning room to find Camilla standing on the table.

"What on earth is happening here?" Edmund asked and he heard Amelia giggle.

"A  rrr rat" Camilla was shaking.

"How'd she get on the table so fast? " Harry asked and Edmund painfully nudged him.

"Camilla its alright , calm down" Charles was now the one embarrassed.

Edmund turned to look at the Earl and the countess and they were both in shock , he then looked at Anastasia and she was trying to hide her laugh , they looked at each other and he let out a small laugh too.

After Jackson so effortlessly caught the rat and removed it from the palace , the chaos seemed to die down.

"Well that was something" The Earl didn't look to happy,  "we are going to head home now".

Trying to  save the night, "Hold on David , These two hardly had time to talk to each other. Why don't we allow them a stroll , while we have some dessert. I promise you no more surprises" Charles said , knowing The Earl would never refuse the King.

Edmund knew his siblings plan would never work...but thanks to them for trying.

Hope you found this chapter even a little funny

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 04 ⏰

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