Chapter 57

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Edmund woke up a little bit happier  this morning. He knew what he was about to tell his family was possibly going to change everything , all he could do was hope that everything would be alright.

He woke up got dressed and decided to send a message to both William and Kate to meet him in his office.Was he really about to do this? Feeling nervous he decided to skip breakfast and get straight into some of his royal work.

About half an hour in to some of his work his father stomped into  his office angrily with a couple of other men that Edmund noticed to be the prime minister and some other important political figureheads.

" I was not aware we had a meeting today" Edmund stood up from his chair to greet the men in his office.

" This is a rather urgent matter that the Prime Minister himself came to me about"  Charles had declared.

"Continue and please have a seat" he motioned towards the chair.

"We have gotten report from all over Great Britain that it's people are worried about the monarchies future because you are 25 and have not found a wife nor produced an heir".

" All in good time, I assure you" Edmund wasnt trying to be difficult , he just knew he wasn't going to be rushed.

"Unfortunately you're assurance does not count  for much as you have had many years to perform these duties and now we find it is in the best interest of the country that we find you a wife" One of the council members said.

"What? No , I'm not going to marry a woman I don't know" Edmund seemed to grow angry , his father was pressuring him to find a wife ever since he was 20.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice" the same council member said.

" I have found someone . Please Mr Prime Minister would you give me just a moment to speak privately with my father".

All the men had left the room , leaving Edmund alone with Charles.

"Father please , you are not even King yet. Your coronation is in a month. I have time to do this my way" Edmund pleaded.

"I am afraid I cannot allow you to do what you want anymore especially now because we are in delicate times , we have not so long ago lost our Queen. We have found a good girl who is the daughter or an Earl and you will meet her soon" Charles ordered.

"But I am to marry Kate" Edmund teared up a little.

"Kate? As in Katherine Middleton , as in your brothers ex girlfriend? Are you mad boy? You will do no such thing" Charles grew angry.

Edmund grew angrier" Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"I am your father , I am the future king" Charles spat.

"Yeah? Well so am I" Edmund fired back.

"Listen very carefully to me boy , we do not need another scandal especially during my reign. If you marry Kate I will make life hell for the both of you. That is a promise. Do this duty for your country , marry the Earls daughter" Charles said as he stormed out of the room the same way be came in.

Edmund fell into his chair , the talk of duty. He was never going to escape it. He was never going to be free of the crown. Best he accept it now.

Edmund downed  a glass of whiskey and sat with his hands on his head thinking about what the best thing to do was . All that thinking led him to forget that William and Kate would  be coming to his office until he heard a  knock on his door. He was supposed to be telling Kate that he loved her and that he wanted to marry her and free his brother from a relationship he did not want to be in but who knows the words that would leave his mouth today.

"Kate , William , I almost forget I asked you two here" Edmund tried to smile through the hurt he was feeling.

He looked into Kate's eyes. Damn he thought   this was going to be way harder than he thought.

He downed another glass of whiskey as he stood up and cleared his throat. He needed to be okay in this moment.

"What is the reason you wanted to see us?" William asked confused as to the feeling in the room.

"I have decided that you two do not have to get married" William and Kate looked and each other and both gently smiled.

"However , I would like you two to pretend to be together just for another six months while I sort a few things out. Could I ask that of you" Edmund looked at them both.

"Yes of course brother , I understand how these things work" he gave his brother a hug.

"Yes I also don't mind" Kate gave her opinion on the matter and smiled. Did this mean what she wanted it to mean.


"Anything else brother?" William noticed the tension in his brothers shoulders.

"Yes , actually" Edmund took a long pause and a deep breath , " I am to be married within this year , to a daughter of an Earl" he paused again and looked at Kate , who looked shocked    " I hope you both can be happy for me".

"What are you talking about?" William asked.

"Do not ask me to repeat myself brother  , you heard what I said. Now if you would please excuse me" Edmund left his office , his shoulder gently brushing Kate's as he walked out.


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