Chapter 42

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Edmund was getting phone calls from many of his family members asking if what they read on today's newspaper was true.

"You don't have to worry Uncle Edward , I won't let the monarchy fall" Edmund assured him.

"It is just a silly rumour Eugienie , nothing to worry about" he cut the call.

"I'm okay Zara thanks , I won't let this family down" Just as he cut the call with his cousin , Harry and Jackson walked in.

"You two better tell me what the hell went on in that interview yesterday?" Edmund hasn't been this angry in a while.

"It is my fault brother , I had said it only as a joke-" Harry began.

"As a joke?" Edmund laughed sarcastically , " I warned you of them. I told you to be careful" he yelled.

"Yes I know-" Harry tried to apologize one more.

"And you" Edmund pointed to Jackson , "I thought you were to be helping him , guiding him.You let this all go to shit" he looked at Jackson.

"This is not his fault and quiet frankly all you have to do is admit the truth to the public , that you are in fact not inlove with Kate" Harry concluded.

Silence hung in the air as Edmund placed his thumb and index finger at the bridge of his nose.

"Unless , unless it's true and you actually do love her?" Harry asked.

Before Edmund had a chance to answer Harry's question. One of the guards , Frederick rushed in.

"The Queen demands a word with you" he directed to Edmund.

Edmund sighed , "Oh bloody hell". Receiving a sympathetic look from his brother and friend.

He walked all the way to his grandmother's office. Knocked and stepped in when she said he could.

"Granny" he bowed before her and looked up at her face , full of disappointment.

"Today we speak not as grandmother and grandson but as Queen and Future king" the Queen's words hurt Edmund.

He stood up straight , checking his attire"Of course your majesty".

"I do not want to know what happened with Catherine , I've learnt from my sister that you cannot control who you love".

Edmund began to speak but Elizabeth stopped him.

"But this scandal is ruining our image".

The Queen stopped speaking , indicating that she expected Edmund to say something.

"I am sorry" Edmund never wanted to let anyone down.

"Sorry is not going to change anything.You need to act".

"How do I solve this?" he pleaded for the answer , "Please tell me what I need to do".

"I can not and will not. You need to learn how to solve these situations on your own". The Queen made her words clear.

"Okay , I'll fix it. I'll fix all of it." He once again bowed before the Queen as he left. Queen Elizabeth sat back on her chair , looking at the photographs she had of her family on her desk. She smiled at them before she put her head down and rested for a while.

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