Chapter 58

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The next day Edmund found himself at a lake very far from Buckingham Palace. He rented out a boat and fishing rod and paddled to the centre of the lake. In this moment he was an ordinary man fishing , it was just him and nature.

Harry had asked him if he could join but Edmund politely not so politely told him no.

Edmund then took a worm , pushed it into the hook and casted his rod into the water and he waited and waited and waited. He was feeling a bit lonely but also enjoyed the silence. No one telling him about his duties and who he should marry. Here , where it was just him and nature.e didn't hurt anyone and no one hurt him.

Edmund spent another hour and a half fishing and it started to drizzle. He looked up at the sky and let the droplets hit his face it felt like gentle kisses being placed on his face. Has the rain got heavier and no one was around Edmund dead what he never would do . He cried. He cried for his mother . He cried for his freedom . He cried for the life he would never get to live.

Edmond paddled back to the land. He was soaking wet and smelled like the fish he had caught. It was the afternoon now and he desperately needed a long hotshower and some rest.

He drove back to Buckingham Palace listening to all his favorite songs, soaking up his last few minutes.

He entered the palace and he heard voices coming from a room that he didn't recognize. He tried to tiptoe so that he would not be heard and succeeded until suddenly he had bumped into a woman.

" oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there" the unfamiliar woman said , her voice sounding gentle.

" Not a problem.It was my fault I should have been looking where I was walking" Edmund had told her.

She smiled at him , " what is that smell if you don't mind me asking?" she tried not to make a funny face.

" I believe that would be me , I was out fishing earlier and just got back"  Edmund was oddly embarrassed , he had noticed that she was quite a beautiful woman and that he had made a horrible first impression.

" Not a problem at all your Royal Highness" The woman bowed before him and he had realized that they had not made a proper introduction." excuse my manners , but who are you?"

"my name is-" she was interuppted by Charles.

" Oh it seems that you two already met" Charles smiled happily.

" Not entirely father" then it dawned upon Edmund that this must be the Earls daughter.

" Her name is Lady Anatasia and you are to be husband and wife" Charles gave Edmund a certain look that told him not cause a scene.

Edmund turned to Anastasia , " it's a pleasure to meet you , if you will excuse me I must go clean myself up" he kissed the knuckle of her hand.

" Yes do hurry up , her parents are waiting in my office and want to meet you" Charles told his son.

"Tell them to stay for dinner"

As Edmund walked up the stairs he noticed his brothers looking at him. William gave him a sad look while Harry gave him a confused one.

" What are you two doing? And get changed we have guests for dinner" Edmund scolded them and they went running.

Edmund tried to be optimistic he hoped that someway somehow he would not have to go through with this marriage.He was holding on to that hope.

Below are my fancasts for Lady Anastasia. Obviously you can picture her as whoever you want to :)

 Obviously you can picture her as whoever you want to :)

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