Chapter 50

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A somber atmosphere filled Westminster Abbey as mourners dressed in black gather to pay their final respects. The air was heavy with grief as the world bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth II, the beloved monarch who led the United Kingdom for decades. The grand cathedral was filled with white lilies and roses, as the sound of soft classical music echoes in the background.

The casket of Queen Elizabeth was adorned with the royal coat of arms surrounded by a guard of honor composed of soldiers from different branches of the armed forces. The military precision is a testament to the respect and admiration held for the late Queen.

Members of the royal family, heads of state, and Royals from around the world were seated in designated areas, their faces etched with sorrow. The scene was washed with dignified mourning attire, the crowd unified in their reverence for the queen who touched the lives of so many.

A tall, distinguished figure stands near the pulpit, delivering a eulogy to honor Queen Elizabeth's legacy. It is Prince Edmund the first in line to the throne and the embodiment of solemnity and duty. His voice carries a blend of sadness and admiration as he reflects on the remarkable life of his mother.

" Today, we gather to say goodbye to my granny , Queen Elizabeth II. She was a beacon of strength and stability, guiding our nation through times of triumph and tribulation. Her unwavering commitment to her duties and her people shall forever be etched in our hearts".

The funeral was being presented live on TV just like her coronation was. The camera paned across the audience, capturing tear-streaked faces, prominent figures exchanging glances, and the sad expressions of the royal family.

The service proceeds with hymns and prayers.As the ceremony near its end, the members of the royal family step forward one by one to pay their respects.Prince Edmund , Prince William, Prince Harry, Princess Anne, and other family members approach the casket, bowing their heads and placing flowers on top. Their faces reveal a mixture of grief, strength, and a shared determination to honor their grandmother and mother and carry on her legacy.

The funeral reaches its climax as the doors of the abbey slowly open, revealing a black hearse adorned with wreaths. The pallbearers, dressed in ceremonial attire, carefully lift the casket and proceed toward the exit. The mourners rise and follow behind, forming a solemn procession.

After the funeral had finished and everyone was making their way home , William stopped Edmund before he could enter his car.

"I am sorry" William spoke out holding his brother's sleeve.

Edmund tilted his head and gave his brotber a sad expression , "It is I who is sorry".

"You have apologized too many times now. It is my turn , we are brothers. I do not wish to fight with you any longer". William was being honest.

"I do not wish to fight either" Edmund smiled but could see his brother had come to say more , "What is is that you want William?".

"Do me this favor brother , It is all I ask of you , I try to be a honorable man , I try to do right but I cannot marry Kate" William was crying.



Edmund was stuck , he did not know what to do . He wanted his brother to be happy , he wanted Kate to be happy but he also had a duty to the monarchy , "I'll see what I can do".

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