Chapter 44

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Later that same day Edmund struggled to concentrate on his work. The guilt that he had felt before came rushing in.

He walked into his brother's room to find Harry and William chatting.

"It's good that you too are here" Edmund said , "I'd like to speak with you guys".

"You're not going to force Harry to marry anyone , are you?" William asked still annoyed by their conversation earlier.

"I actually came to apologize again and to thank you William , I know you must hate me" he reached out his hand for his brother to shake , "but thank you".

Harry watched his two brothers interact.

William did not shake his brothers hand , instead he sat on his bed , "I don't hate you brother , I just hate this situation" he admitted.

"Hopefully you will be happy and oneday this will all be behind us" That was Edmund's hope , for everything to work out.

"I can't wait for us to be brothers again" Harry chimed in.

They all smiled at one another , and after a moment of silence "Tomorrow I was to give a speech in Bradford , instead you will make your wedding announcement with Kate" Edmund had ruined the moment with that information.

"You got it boss" William said sarcastically.

The next day everyone had been at Buckingham Palace , readying themselves to go to Bradford. Kate had arrived earlier to discuss with William exactly the accounment that was going to be made. She passed Edmund a couple of times and had not even said a word to him , had not even acknowledged his presence.

Everyone was done getting changed , Edmund had noticed his grandmother wasn't downstairs so he went to her room to go looking for her. Edmund arrived at her room door to see his grandfather Philip exit.

"Grandpa , you haven't changed yet?" Edmund knew if they spent any longer here , they would be late.

"Yes your grandmother and I aren't feeling so well , you go on without us. We'll watch the speech from the television" he assured his grandson.

"Okay , yes not a problem at all" He wanted to speak to his granny , wanted to know whether she was proud of the action he took , "I'll see you tonight then" he bowed.

Everyone made their way to Bradford , William , Kate , Harry and Amelia in one car and Edmund in his own.

After traveling for a while, in Bradford London , the crowd was huge , awaiting the exciting news they were promised.Edmund stood up on the podium and waved and the crowd of people infront of him.

"Good morning all.I trust each and everyone one of you had a pleasureable journey to come here.I won't take too much of your time. I was supposed to be giving a speech here today but my brother had other plans so with that being said" he paused , "William" he signaled for his brother to take to the stand. The crowd had mixed feelings about Edmund , some were cheering and others weren't.

William stared at the crowd full of people before he finally spoke"Good evening to everyone here today in Bradfort" he gulped.

Charles told Kate to stand next to William and so she did as she was told.

William smiled at Kate , "We-" he was cut of when Jackson rushed towards him and whispered something in his ear , leaving him clearly distraught , Kate heard what he whispered and turned to give Edmund an unreadable expression but it wasn't a good one".

"What's happening over there?" Edmund grew curious and annoyed and he whispered to himself.

William couldn't get his words into the mic.

"Jackson" Edmund signaled him over from William with his two fingers.

Jackson walked over to Edmund , not making eye contact with him.

"What just happened , what was all that about?" Edmund demanded an answer.

"I'm sorry , your royal highness" Jackson paused unable to continue.

"What is it mate?" Edmund grew anxious , he saw William leave the podium.

"I just heard from Prince Philip , It's your granny" he finally looked at his face , "The Queen is dead".

Edmund found himself struggling to breath. He loosened his tie as he made his way into the building behind him where the rest of his family was.He felt numb , he felt confused , flashbacks of his mothers death flooded his mind.

"You have to go out there and make something up of why we're here. We cannot announce a marriage now and we are not ready to tell the world of granny's death" William looked to his father whose tears filled his eyes but Charles stared silently at the ceiling.

"Your majesty , as the next heir , you should go out there" One of Charles men told him , but still Charles didn't move.

"I'll do it" Edmund said when he realized his father couldn't , someone needed to step up so why not him.

So Edmund did it , he pushed his emotions down and did it.

A/N: The Queen's death was  heartbreaking :(

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