Chapter 20

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Jackson Andrews

Edmund entered the ship and took in the beauty of it all . The view of the ocean was something he had seen many times before but it still took his breath away. He saw all the men from the marines dressed in white readying for their journey and it reminded him of his time in the marines.

"Its good to be back Captain General" A man said to Edmund. That was a title that he gained from his time in the navy where he had spent three years.

Edmund smiled , "I think the title better fits the professional General but yes it is good to be back" Edmund shook his hand.

"Jackson Andrews " The man gave his name ," I am to accompany you here on your journey , inform you of all your meetings and mostly ensure you have a little fun"

"Did my granny send you?" Edmund laughed remembering how she told him to take some time to himself.

"Yes , actually" Jackson said.

"Very well then , Shall we set sail Jackson?".

"Indeed we shall , your royal highness".

The journey had started and Edmund was glad that he got this opportunity. He went to his cabin and had a much needed rest . He forgot how seasick one could get when they were away from sea for so long.

A knock on the door woke Edmund up , "Come in".

"Some of the crew are having a drink , I wanted to know if you would like to join?" Jackson asked.

"Does anyone really say no to a drink?" Thomas got up from the bed and followed Jackson to wear the rest of the crew was.

The crew had been laughing and joking up until the point that Prince Edmund walked in. He had to admit that made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

"As you were gentlemen" Edmund said as he realized people must have not been comfortable with having a royal abroad.

The crew stared at him for a good few seconds and carried on with their laughing and joking.

Edmund sat at a table with Jackson where Jackson handed him a cigarette. Edmund wasnt a fan of smoking , he saw what it did to Princess Margaret and hated it .Although he did do it from time to time.

"So when we arrive at Geece in 4 days-" Jackson was cut of by Edmund who groaned.

"I thought we meant to be having fun" Edmund took a puff of his cigarette and blew the smoke in the air.

"You want to know a secret?" Jackson went closer to Edmund so no one else could hear.

"What's that?" Edmund took in another puff.

"The real fun starts once we arrive to Greece , once we see the beautiful Greece woman" Jackson wiggled his eyebrows.

Edmund just laughed.

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