Chapter 64

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"How could she have said no?"Leah frustrated as I lay on her sweaty chest.

After Sophie left for Mia I sent her a text and I went to Leah to get my mind out of it.

It's for the best but I hate it.
I don't want to betray Sophie but it's for her career and I can only hope she never finds out.

It was a rather cruel way to do it but Sophie is stubborn so even if Mia broke up with her she would do anything to change it.

The only way was cheating because that's something Sophie could never allow.

I didn't even tell Leah about it but since she is more focused on her sister she didn't notice my uneasiness.

"I mean they have only dated for a year, it makes sense," I tried to defend Delilah.

"It makes sense to break my sister's heart?" Leah angrily spoke.

"Baby, Kai understood she literally said that she understood and hugged Delilah," It was weird because I 100% would have cried if I proposed to Leah and she said no.

It would crush me.

But Malakai, the most emotional one in the group understanding shocked not just me but I think everyone.

"No, you don't know Kai like I do. She hasn't realized it yet but she is not okay and when she does realize it she will break and she'll be angry," Leah grunts.

"But you can't blame Delilah for that, can you? You have to understand her too," I planted a kiss on her left breast.

I know she is torn because, over the past weeks, she and Delilah have gotten along well.
And Malakai is her sister.

"It seems like you do enough understanding for both of us," she mumbled but I heard.

"Baby, when the time comes you can talk to Kai but right now I want you all to myself," I nipped on her neck causing a moan out of her.

"I'm so glad I'll be having you here with me," she gave me more room to kiss her neck.

"What do you mean?"I went down to suck on her nipple.

"That you're not going to some college far away and instead here with me," Her breath got heavy as my movements stopped and I pulled away from the bed.

"Baby are you okay," Leah looked concerned and confused.

"I have never said that I'm going to stay here for college," I frowned.

Did she just assume?

I've told her many times before where I see myself in the future and it is not Willow Creek.

I don't want to have a dull life.
I want to go out in the world and experience what it's like to struggle.

I want to move up in the world by myself and not with the help of my fathers.

I wanna be something and it is not here.

"You don't want to stay here with me?" Leah's sad tone almost made me give in.

Suddenly I feel selfish but for once in my life I want to be selfish.

I just helped break Sophie's heart for her career and I can't do the opposite.

"Leah I love you, but this is my future and I don't want to regret it in a few years and resent myself for it. You don't deserve that and neither do I," I put on my clothes ignoring my tears.

"Anne, please. You have to stay with me," I could hear Leah's sob but she didn't move to get to me and I'm so grateful for that.

"I need to experience with just me, and I don't want to feel like I'm making the wrong choice every time I talk to you because I will if we do long distance. I love you Leah but I need to respect myself more and I have to be alone for that," I hurried to kiss her on the cheek before rushing out of the house.

I got in my car with a slam and as I was about to cry more than I already was I got a ping singling a text from my phone I picked it up.

Delilah: Sophie needs us, come to my house now!

I didn't need to be told twice as I drove ignoring my pain.

Eventually, I got there and I opened the already-opened door.

She really needs to lock her doors.

I marched up to Delilah's room to see Sophie crying in her arms and a sad Will.

They all turned to me and I got on the bed as all of us were hugging Sophie.

"Sophie please tell us what happened," Will pleaded but I knew because I was partly the cause.

"She, she cheated on me," Her sobs were louder and for the first time I had never seen Delilah so angry before.

"She's a dead person," Del spoke in a such a quiet tone I could believe I hadn't heard it.

"She's a fucking bitch and you are a god. She didn't deserve you in the slightest," William tried to comfort.

"Yes you are," I agreed making her look up at me and I felt almost like she knew I was to blame.

"Were you crying?" That got both Will and Delilah's attention on me.

"No I'm fine you are the one we should focus on," I can't tell her me and Leah broke up when her heart got broken because of me.

"No, it will help me to know that you are miserable like me. So tell me," Her sobs didn't stop. I was going to deny but the pleading on her face made me cave.

"I broke up with Leah because she wanted me to stay here for college and I didn't," I sighed as the tears came back.

"Me and Aaron took a break until we meet again," It was William's time to speak.

"Dang all of you got dumped or dumped someone," we all glared at Delilah.

"What? Don't be mad at me for being the dream partner," She put her hands up.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP DELILAH" All three of us managed to say at the same time.

Then we burst out laughing/sobbing at once.

Everything is changing but one thing that will never change is my love for these dumbasses.

Authors; note.

I know I know ✋🏾

But like don't hate me.

Fun fact, Being bored is actually a 'high arousal state' physiologically.

Now we know why Sophie always looks bored 🤷🏾‍♀️

Sooooo how many of y'all are bored👀

Anyhow Thank You So Much For Reading My Beautiful Readers! 👩🏾‍🏫

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