Chapter 20

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POV: Delilah

"Touch my muffin, and I'm going to rip your hand," I warned my baby sister.

"Delilah," Wilma gasped.

"What? You should teach your daughter not to steal from the starving," I shrugged.

"Really starving? Don't you think that's a little dramatic?" Andre chuckled as he drank his coffee.

"Absolutely not," I frowned.

"But I want a bite. Sharing is caring, Delilah," Bella gave me a toothy smile.

"And you only have two hands. Do you really want to take that risk?" I glared.

"Delilah, stop it," Wilma chuckled.

We heard a knock on the door as I was about to talk.

"Okay, well, that's probably my ride. Do not, and I repeat, do not follow me," I said as I hid my muffin in a high place so that my devilish siblings wouldn't reach it.

"Wait, how do we know that we can trust this Malakai person?" Andre asked before I opened the door.

"You don't. Bye, have a boring day!" I replied as I got out of the door, not leaving them any room to speak any longer.

As I turned around, I hit my forehead on her chest.

"Ow," I rubbed my forehead.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stand so close. I just froze. You can hit my forehead in return. Just try not to hit so hard," Malakai rumbled.

"It's fine, don't worry," I chuckled.

"Time to go to school." I walked towards her black BMW, and I was about to open the passenger seat before Kai opened it for me. I said a quiet "thanks."

"So, how did you sleep?" Malakai asked as she got in the car and put on her seatbelt.

"Okay, I guess. How about you?" I asked, trying to be... well, nice.

"I slept okay too," she responded, finally driving.

"Hmm, you don't have any football matches this week, right?" I questioned after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence.

"No, but I do have one next month," she responded, parking and coming to a stop. She got out of the car and ran to my side as she yet again opened the door for me.

"Thanks," I said, grabbing her hand as she locked the door. There were eyes on us already. I mean, seriously, do people like her this much?

"Then I'll need your number shirt to wear in the match. That's what girlfriends do, right?" I asked to try and distract myself from all the eyes. I squeezed her hand tight as we got to my English class.

Many people greeted her with hellos or just simply waving.

"Yeah, but for now, relax. I know it's hard to try and not notice them, but it's a lot easier to pretend that they aren't looking at you," she whispered, leaning towards my ear.

"Well, this is my class. How did you know that I have English on Monday morning?" I asked, following her advice.

"Oh, I looked through your schedule. I know the principal's daughter," she nervously rubbed her neck with a guilty smile.

"Okay, then what's your next class? I'll walk you to it," I said, wanting to be fair.

"I have math right now, but geography next," she responded.

"Okay, well, thank you for following me to my class. I'll see you soon, Mally," I walked into the half-full classroom.

I heard a "bye, mi amor." Shit, right, I was going to ask her what that meant, but I forgot. I'll do it later.

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