Chapter 19

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POV: William

This is the first time I have ever gone on a date in public. Well, it's far away from Willow Creek, but it still counts.

Before Aaron left to go home, he asked me out on a date, and surprisingly, I said yes.

Right now, we are sitting in a secluded corner outside. It's beautiful. He's beautiful, wearing a black suit, while I'm wearing grey.

"I love the view," I said, admiring him.

"That was cheesy, but I love it too," he chuckled.

"What can I get you?" a waitress asked as she approached our table.

"I'll have the beef and the red wine," Aaron answered without even looking at the menu.

"And I'll have the chicken with the red wine, thank you," I smiled as the waitress wrote it down and left us.

"So, I know you have a sister, do you have more siblings?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation alive.

"Yeah, I have an older sister named Leah and a younger one named Blake. And you don't have any, right?" Aaron asked.

"No, I don't. How did you know?" I asked with a smile.

"You just look like a sibling-free guy," he responded with a shrug.

"How does someone look like a sibling-free guy?" I chuckled.

"I don't know, you just look like it," he smiled.

"What else do I look like?" I questioned.

"Well, you look a bit nervous. Is this your first time on a date?"

"Yeah, it is. But I'm not nervous, I just don't really know how this goes," I answered as our food and wine were delivered.

We both said our thanks to the waitress.

"There's no pressure. Just think of this as a place where we can just be," he smiled, raising his wine glass.

"Where we can just be," I matched his sweet smile as we clinked our glasses.

We ate in peace, sharing stories and laughter. It went great, I think. I didn't feel like I had to worry about someone seeing us.

For once, I didn't panic and just lived in the moment.

But everything must come to an end. He drove me to Delilah's place, as we had all agreed to meet there.

"Thank you for the date," I awkwardly spoke.

"Thank you for agreeing," he said nervously.

"YOU'RE NOT LEAVING HIM WITHOUT A KISS, RIGHT?" we heard Delilah yell from the window where all of my three friends watched us.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry for them," I said with flushed cheeks.

"HEY, DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR US!" Sophie yelled out.


"I think they will keep yelling until you kiss me, so how about we do the neighbors a favor?" Aaron grinned.

"Of course, only for the neighbors," I chuckled as I leaned in, taking hold of his neck, and bringing his lips to mine in a slow kiss.

"OH, THAT'S HOT!" Sophie yelled out.

His breath was on my lips as we pulled away from each other. He still had his eyes closed.

"Goodnight, Aaron. I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled, walking away.

"Goodnight, Will," he whispered as I closed the door, leaving him with a beautiful smile.

"So, how did the date go?" Delilah asked the second the door closed, with her hand in a bag of chips.

"It was amazing," I said dreamily as I slid down the door.

"Really? Did you get a a dick?" Sophie asked as she sat down next to me. Delilah followed suit.

"You know, there are other things to focus on besides sex," Anne chimed in as she joined us.

Sophie rested her head on my shoulder, and I leaned my head on Delilah's shoulder while Delilah leaned on Anne's.

"Nah," Sophie responded nonchalantly.

"Do you think you'll go on a second date?" Delilah asked, playfully slapping my hand away from her chips bag.
That girl really loves her chips

"Yes, I think I like him," I said with a goofy smile.

"I'm happy for you, Will. You deserve a nice guy like Aaron," Anne said proudly.

"Yeah, and he seems like he's packing," Sophie nodded.

"SOPHIE," Anne hissed.

We all chuckled for a bit.

"So, how did the meeting with the parents go?" I asked Delilah.

"It was actually less awkward than I thought. She has two mothers. The black-haired one's name is Ronald, which is weird, but it wasn't terrible," Delilah responded with a mouthful of chips.

"Yeah, they also went on a date," Sophie sang out.

"For the last time, we only got some ice cream. That's all," Delilah replied with a hint of irritation.

"Let's not start a fight and agree that we're all happy for William and that we should celebrate with wine. Oh wait, one of you already took one from my house," Anne accused.

"It wasn't me."

"Not it."

"I don't drink."

"Oh, so no one did it. Was it a ghost?" Anne sarcastically asked.

"Yeah, probably. We don't know whether they exist or not," I deadpanned as we laughed and enjoyed each other's company.

I have a family. They may not be blood, but I have a family who would never make me feel ashamed for who I am. And that's more than I can say for my blood family.

I would do anything for my sisters, and I know they would do the same for me.

Authors, note

I felt bad for giving y'all a short chapter so here's a less short chapter 👍🏾

As always, Thank You So Much For Reading My Beautiful Readers!👩🏾‍🏫

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