Chapter 45

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"Why on earth did you think it was a good idea?" Natalie hissed at our girlfriends with her hands on her hips.

"I don't know. It was her idea," Athena pointed at Kai.

"Don't point your finger at my girlfriend," It was my turn to hiss.

Right now we're in the living room standing over those two as they are sitting down on the sofa.
Including Aaron and William who are probably just here for fun.

"Yeah don't point your finger at her girlfriend," Kai teased Athena.

"Shut up Kai," Athena barked.

"No both of you shut up," Natalie snapped drawing their attention back to us.

"You two are in trouble," Sophie sang out coming to sit down with Will and Aaron.

"No, we're not. Delilah said to hang out and we did," Athena mumbled avoiding eye contact with Natalie.

"No, I told you to get along," I corrected.

"And we kinda did," Mally gave me a guilty smile that disappeared as soon as she locked eyes with me.

"You call getting along with both of you muddy and wet?" I raised my tone.

"You said wet," Aaron snickered.

"Aaron not now!" Natalie took a deep breath in. "What did you two do?"


"NUH AH I DIDINT, MI AMOR SHE PUSHED ME FIRST," They both yelled at the same time.

"William you were there what happened?" I asked almost amused but I wasn't going to show it. Mally is panicking and I'm loving it.

"Finally you asked me. Well, it all started out fine till the second hour. They were going to compete in running.
And the loser has to clean all our dirty laundry, Which in my opinion is great, me and Aaron really messed up with the sheets last night-

"GET TO THE POINT," We all except Aaron interrupted.

"Right. They started pushing each other when they got near the goal and then they fell near some mud So they kinda wrestled in it," Will answered with giddiness layered in his tone.

"Why didn't you and Mia stop them?" Aaron chuckled.

"Because it was fun and I filmed it. Do you guys wanna see?" Will asked in excitement pulling his phone out.

"They don't need to see that," Kai rushed out.

"Yeah they don't," Athena agreed.

As they both stood up.
Me and Natalie made eye contact before we ran towards William.

Our girlfriends ran after us when I grabbed his phone ignoring his shouts.

Me and Natalie got into her and Athena's guest room and she locked the door behind us just as they reached the door.

I'm convinced that there is so much mud in this house now.

"Open the door," We heard shouts no doubt coming from Will and Athena. Kai is too nice to shout at me.

"Okay. Let's see the video," Natalie moved to my side as I clicked play on the already open video.

The video was our girlfriends pushing each other down on the mud and yelling some stuff about who knows more about Brooklyn nine nine.

The video was literally 40 full minutes long So I fast-forwarded it to the last minute.

Seriously Mia and Will watched for 40 minutes?

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