Chapter 36

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"How come I haven't driven you to your parent's house?"I asked with a smile as we were outside her aunt's house with my hands on her waist while her arms were around my neck.

She had my black leather jacket on. Leah said that at every date you always have to give your jacket to the girl. And I'm so glad I did.
However, it did take some convincing because apparently, my girl thinks that she is Elsa from Frozen because she likes the cold.

"Um well let's just say they work a lot," She answered in a sad tone. She had this look on her face. I can't describe it all I know is that it makes my heart hurt and that I never want her to have that look.

"I'm sorry Mi Amor I didn't mean to make you sad," I kissed all over her face as she let out that giggle I love so much.

"Okay, okay stop it," She laughed I pulled away but not before I kissed her more. I will never get tired of kissing her.

"Fine but only because it's late," I mumbled bringing her impossibly closer.

"Mally you need to let me go. We have school tomorrow," She whined with a cute smile trying to get away.

"But I don't wanna, "I pouted putting my face in her neck breathing in her vanilla scent.

"I don't want to either," She responded after her cuteness of a chuckle stopped. It was dark and quiet outside.

"Do you want to have a sleepover?" She asked in an almost missable shyness.

"What?" I panicked slightly. She doesn't mean intercourse, right? no of course not. Maybe she does. I mean I would be lucky but it's too soon. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. What if she wasn't as cool with me being a virgin as she said she was? What if she only said it because she didn't know what else to say?
And I can't have her see my NOT vagina.

"I meant sleeping together not sex. Get your mind out of the gutter Mally," She laughed bringing me out of my thoughts. I sighed a relief and kinda of disappointed breath.

I may not be ready now but that doesn't mean I don't want to eventually have sex. Just in some years maybe when I have married her. That way she wouldn't be able to leave me when she finds out.

"Of course, I would like to spend the night with you. Do you think your aunt and uncle will mind?" I asked nervously because I really did want to sleep with her. I'm not ready to leave although I don't think I'll ever be ready to leave her.

"Probably not. I don't think that they would care," She shrugged as she led me inside the house by my hand. I have been inside her house before. But I haven't slept overnight.

We walked up the stairs in silence until we reached her room.

She let go of my hand as she closed her bedroom door and turned on the lights.
There isn't anything special about Delilah's room. It almost seems like she just moved in.

"Do you want to wear that or my clothes?" She asked taking off the leather jacket that looked a hundred times better on her than me.

"Oh it's fine I have extra clothes in my car. I'll be right back," I rushed kissing her cheek before going out.

I pulled out my practice bag before locking my car door. I'm so glad I always bring extra clothes just in case something happens.

I dialed my Ma to tell her I wouldn't come home. It shouldn't be a big deal.

Ma answered with the fourth ringtone.

"What?" She grumbled.

"Well hello to you too Mother," I greeted as I walked into Delilah's house and locked it after me.

"Look I love you Mija but right now I'm trying to love your mother and you're running my chances"

"Come on I don't want to hear that, "I grossed out with a disgusted look as I closed Delilah's bedroom door behind me. But there was no Delilah. My guess is that she is in the linked bathroom.

"Yeah yeah, can we hurry this up?" I heard rustling in the background.

"Yeah happily. I just wanted to inform you that I'm sleeping over Delilah's and I'll be driving to school with her,".

"Wait. Are you two going to do it?" I heard Ma's almost proud tone.

"NO. You know what I'm not talking to you anymore. Bye, love you," I hung up not wanting to hear her teasing.

"There is a toothbrush in there for you," My goddess came out with a T-shirt and some shorts making me gulp. She is so beautiful.

"Thank you, Mi Amor," I said rushing into the bathroom and almost tripping making her laugh.

I put on my night clothes just like hers except I had baggy pants. I brushed my teeth and did my business.

I have another outfit inside that I'm planning on using tomorrow so I won't have to be separated from my Delilah.

I got out closing the bathroom door behind me and putting my bag down. All I could see was darkness and a bulge on the left side of the bed.

I walked over to the right side miraculously not tripping. I got under the covers with my goddess back towards me.

I put my arm around her waistline dragging her close to me and automatically put my face down her neck.

It's becoming my favorite part of her body other than her lips of course and her breast, her ass And-

"Are you okay Mally? your making it hard for me to breathe," She whispered making me realize how strongly my grip on her really was.

"Sorry Mi Amor," I relaxed my grip feeling ashamed.

"Don't be, I like it when you hold me tight. It makes me feel safer," She muttered in a tired whisper.

"I'll always make you feel safe Mi Vida," I kissed her neck.

I have always thought Delilah was hot. But ever since she straddled me it's like I see her differently. Like I want to touch her in places I shouldn't think about touching.

But when she started moving. It was like I was in heaven. I wanted more but I knew that I couldn't have her leaving me because of a dick. So I stopped. I'm so glad that she didn't question me. And that I had extra baggy pants because if I didn't, not only would she have felt it she would have seen it.

If I could be different I would. I really would maybe then this wouldn't be so difficult. It feels like I'm lying to her. But as long as she doesn't ask me I'm not technically lying.

"Goodnight Mally," I heard her soft voice.

"Goodnight My Love, "I planted a kiss on top of her head.

If it wasn't already clear, that girl was going to be the death of me.

Authors; note

Fun fact, Did y'all know that The largest piece of fossilised dinosaur poo discovered is over 30cm long and over two litres in volume?

Now that's a large poo 💩

Like always Thank You So Much For Reading My Beautiful Readers!👩🏾‍🏫

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