Chapter Eleven

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POV: Malakai


I mean sure she pretty much called me dumb but she talked to me. And I'm going to MEET her.

Hopefully, she doesn't mention her feeling something as she kicked me.  And hopefully, she doesn't kick me in the balls again.

Although if she does she'll look amazing while doing it.

I'm driving to the address she sent me.
After I got the courage to call her I ran out of my house and into my car to get there, afraid that she might change her mind.

I parked my car in a corner as I saw a park with a handful of kids and parents. It only took me about 10 minutes to get here which didn't help my overthinking.

I got out of the car and locked it while putting the keys in my pocket.

I looked around to see that the goddess staring daggers at me in the furthest part of the park sitting in a swing. There weren't many people in that area and there was another swing beside her.

The sunshine lights her beautiful skin up.

My breath caught in my lungs as I looked into her onyx eyes. She may be in a distance but she looked marvelous.

I gulped as I walked over to her. I sat in the swing next to her as her eyes stayed fixed on me.

I didn't dare to meet her eyes as I'm sure I'm red as a tomato.

"How did you get my number?"She asked getting right to it.

"Uh, Aaron. He said that Anne gave it to him a year ago when she was drunk". I said trying not to stutter

I heard her mutter "fucking Anne". Before saying


"Right..umm so". I explained everything to her while looking at the ground.

When I was done explaining everything she like Aaron burst out laughing. And let me tell you her laughing sounded like angels.
If that didn't get me to look up at her I don't know what would. And I'm glad that I did. She threw her head back still laughing And unknowingly making my heart skip.

"What the hell, why didn't you just say that Mia was your girlfriend?" She asked after a few minutes of laughing.

"That would be disgusting," I responded with A disgusted look.

"So you chose me a girl who could easily throw you under the bus and ruin your life?". She asked amusement clear in her tone.

"I guess yea," My voice was quiet.

"And what exactly do you want from me?"She questioned with raised eyebrows.

"Well I was kinda hoping that you would be my girlfriend at least until something happens with Linn and Sean Or I win at Rock Paper Scissors," I rushed out.

"And why are you so sure you would win?"She raised her eyebrows yet again.

"I'm great at Rock Paper Scissors," I said with a proud smile.

"And why would I?"She asked

"Well we can make a deal I'll give you something you want and you do this," My voice was hopeful.

POV: Delilah.

I was going to say no but then the thought of me promising Will some dirt on Aaron popped up.

"Fine but I want two things and it's none Negotiable," I accepted putting a fallen hair stray behind my ear.

"Yes yes whatever you want," She replied with relief and disbelief.

"First of all I want some dirt on Aaron," I swung slightly on the swing.

"What? Aaron why?"She asked confused.

"None of your business do you have some," I shot back.

"I'm not going to tell you my brother's secrets," She responded firmly.

"You don't have to tell me you can send me a picture or some kinda of proof. I won't use it I just need it for precaution," I stopped my swinging.

"What kind of precaution?" She frowned.

"Like I said none of your business just know that I'm not going to tell anyone,".I said with an irritated tone.

"How about this I'll text you but if the word gets out I promise you I'll make your life a living hell". She said with seriousness as she put her phone in her pocket I assumed she texted her brother if she could say anything.

"Got it". I replied Just as I got a signal of a text. But I made no moves in looking at it and I won't. Even I have some limits. I'm just going to show it to William and then delete it.

"You're not going to look?". She asked confused.

"Nope like I said it's just precaution". I replied.

"Okay, what's the second thing?".She asked with a bit of fear in her eyes.

"You are going to pay for my lunch until graduation," I smiled.

Okey more than Will pooped up in my mind BUT in my defense it's food.

"WHAT? Three months". She tried to negotiate.

"Nope. Until we graduate. Deal or not?". I said not backing down.

"Fine deal. But we have to make it look real". She said through gritted teeth.

"Oh don't worry I know just the person. I'll text you tomorrow all the details But bring Mia she annoys Sophie and I like it when Sophie is annoyed". I walked away not giving her anything more. Although a high-pitched "bye Delilah". Could be heard. I would have thought it was my sister if I didn't know any better.

After my foster family and my siblings got home I told them that I would be sleeping at Anne's. They already knew that I wasn't going to be home because I hadn't been home on the weekends since I met My friends.

I said goodbye to them and assured my siblings that I would be back.
For some reason, They feel the need to have reassurance from me because they don't want me to abandon them like our mother did to us. Which is something I would never do. I am nothing like my Mother and I'll never be.
That's a promise.

I was already outside when Sophie pulled over.
Oh, they are so going to love hearing about what happened.

Authors; note

I think I have readers block😩

I have nothing to read(actually I have like 100 books on my TBR) but like still✋🏾

I wanna read a book series {obviously sapphic} where at least one of every love interest in the book is POC and preferably first POV and the love interests are fated mates [omegavers]

Like I'm not even asking for much🙄

Anyways Thank You So Much For Reading My Beautiful Readers!👩🏾‍🏫

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