Chapter 5

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POV: Delilah

After we got to Sophie's almost castle-like house, we ate some food now we are in Sophie's room, while we all have clothes in each other's houses. Only Sophie, William, and Anne are dressing up.

I am not particularly fond of dresses or makeup. Not because I don't look good in makeup - I do - it's just that I don't want to wear makeup at all times because if I do, I know that I won't like my natural face. So I rarely wear it.

And my body has curves, so I'm not comfortable with wearing dresses just yet.

I only had pants and a shirt that said, "Do not talk to me." I quite like it, actually. I put my long curly black hair up in a ponytail and left a few strands hanging out.

While both Sophie and Anne are wearing short dresses, William is wearing a tight red t-shirt and black jeans.

"Are you sure that there will be snacks?" I asked.

"For the hundredth time, yes, I'm sure," Sophie said with an eye roll.

"Okay, so who is the designated driver?" Anne asked before Sophie and I started a fight.

"Not me."

"Not it."

"I can be the driver."

"You can't even drive, Delilah," Anne shook her head.

"Well, not with that attitude, I can't," I responded with a frown.

"You know what, it's fine. I'll drive," Anne replied with a smile.

Sophie's parents are rarely at home, so every time we go to a party, we always sleep here.

Unlike William's very strict parents, well, his father. The only reason he lets Will sleep over is because we are all girls, and he thinks Will is into one of us.

But Will's mom is nice.

Anne has trying-to-be-cool parents, so her dads let her do pretty much whatever she wants.

Which is barely anything other than getting boyfriends who do not deserve her.

My foster parents leave me alone, partly by my request, as long as I text them where I'll be going and when I'm coming home.

"Okay, I'm ready now,are you girls ready?" William asked.


"I guess."

"Let's go," Anne grabbed the car keys.

We got in the car and, of course, started to joke around until we got to the party.

"Why is it so loud?" I asked, getting to the door.

"It's a party," Sophie said in a duh like tone, as we all had to push through many sweaty hormonal bodies to get to the kitchen.

"What can I get you ladies?" Will asked, pouring a drink into his own cup.

"I want vodka," Sophie smiled.

"I'll have a beer," Anne said.

"Is there any apple juice?" I asked.

"No, there is no apple juice at a high school party," Sophie said, almost offended.

Will just chuckled as he gave us all a drink. He just gave me some beer like Anne.

I don't really like drinking because of the taste, and, well, I have the gene, I thought to myself.

"I'm going to dance with Kyle," Anne said, going over to another one of her boyfriends who did not deserve her.

"I'm going to hook up with someone, do NOT bother me unless one of you is dying," Sophie said, walking away without even giving us a chance to answer her.

Happy Ending?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon